Dealing Special Needs And Psychological Problems ( PRACTICAL )

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This course will enable the students to :

  • Administer various tests to measure the capabilities of an individual.
  • Get exposure to the techniques and solutions for improvement of handicap condition.
  • Understand the societal attitude towards handicap.


1.      Visit to  local training, educational and rehabilitation institutions- Preparing a blue print.

·         Assessment of management

·         Infrastructural facilities

·         Program implementation

·         Recommendations

1.      Planning and Preparation of teaching aids for the child with special needs in accord with activity.

2.      Preparing a project proposal for children with special need


3.      Visit to institution dealing with psychological and psychiatric problems to study basic childhood/ adolescence/ adulthood problems- preparing details of infrastructure, medical facilities etc


4.      Preparing educational/informational material regarding various psychological problems.


5.      Preparation of a Case study of a child with special needs /child from disadvantaged background / admitted in private school under 25 percent quota of the RTE(2009).


6.      Presentation based debate on the comparative merits and demerits of  Inclusive Education for disabled in India.

Essential Readings: 
  • Tilak, D. (1994). Destination unknown: A case description of a mentally handicapped daughter. Bombay: TISS.
  • LeydonSussan (1985), Helping the Child of Exceptional Abilities
  • Okun, B. F. &Rappaport, L.J. (1980). Working with families: An introduction to family therapy. Belmont: Wadsworth.Man, Psychology, Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 1951. New Delhi 16 General  Psychology, Eurasia Publishing House
  • Lask, B. (1985). Overcoming behavior problems in children: A practical guide. New York:   Arco Publishing, Inc.
  • Mehe,J.Abnormal Psychology,Holt,Rinehart,1983
  • Singh, B (2005) Modern Teaching of Exceptional Children, Anmol Publishers
  • What Every Special Educatiors Must know: Ethics, Standards, and Guidelines for Special Educators, (2009) Council for Exceptional children





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