Teaching Learning Material for Children - Practical

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  1. Understand  the importance of teaching learning material.
  2. Analyze the different teaching methods and materials for early years.
  3. Assess the need for Teaching Learning Materials and prepare innovative TLM,
  4. Develop an understanding of the importance of work experience and competencies of a local crafts person, artisans and entrepreneurs.
  5. Demonstrate the use of TLM for enhanced learning,
  6. Explain the importance of work experience and competencies of local crafts person
  7. Understand the different teaching methods for developmentally challenged children
  8. involve students in designing and development of TLM;


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



24SHSC 511C

Teaching Learning Material for Children - Practical


CO195: Plan and prepare, teaching-learning materials

CO196: Plan developmentally appropriate activity for developmentally challenged children.

CO197: Compile comprehensive practical records on teaching learning activities and cultivate verbal communication skills to converse effectively with examiners

CO198: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Tutorials, Team teaching

Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, , Topic presentations, Giving tasks,

Class tests, Semester end examinations, quizzes, Presentation


Unit I: 
  • Orientation on different methods and materials used in teaching young children and studying the techniques of different materials.
  • Selection of Teaching Learning Materials of good quality with (i) innovations, (ii) the use of low-cost materials, (iii) local context and (iv) modern technology (for digital learning materials) will enhance students’ engagement, interest, and practical learning.
  • Conduct Oral communication methods  based activities (stories, songs, music, description and explanation) and conversational methods(Conversation, Heuristic conversation, questioning on a special subject, etc)
  • Prepare the material by use of natural materials(plants, shells, seeds, insects,rocks,sand,etc.),Intuitive materials(cast and claymodels,Puppets,blocks,puzzles,mazes,etc),Figurative aids (pictures, photographs, atlas books, maps, albums, table games, etc.), Printed teaching aids (children’s books, workbooks, etc.).Printed teaching aidsDigital material(audio & videos)
  • Conduct creative Activities-importance,Types,and values promoted, method of giving instructions. Process of scripting for puppet play sand creative drama.
  • Plan Painting–freehand,finger,thread,wax spray, Printing-block,leaf,stencil, thumb, Pasting–collage, paper mosaic, sand, Miscellaneous-etching,marbling,doughmodeling
  • Creating teaching learning materials for developmentally challenged children ( Blind, Dumb & deaf, Learning disabilities, Speechdisorders,Mentallyretarded,Giftedchildren,Slowlearners)
  • Designing & developing digital play materials like videos,audioaidsoraudio-Visualaids
  • Field visit for interaction with local artisans, craftspeople, and entrepreneurs.
  • Observe Traditional work practices and their integration into Local Technologies and Ideas.
  • Prepare the manual of TLM highlighting the objectives that will be achieved by its use, the material used, the process of its development and its use during classroom transaction


Essential Readings: 
  1. Contractor,M., 1984, Creative drama and puppetry in education, National book trust ofIndia,Delhi
  2. Devadas P. Rajammal and N. Jaya (1996), “A Textbook on child development”, MacMillanIndiaLtd.NewDelhi.
  1. Nasim Siddiqi, Suman Bhatia and Suptika Biswas (2007) Early Childhood Care and Education–BookIV,DOABAHOUSE,NewDelhi.
  2. Sen Gupta, M. (2009). Early Childhood Care and Education. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd.
  3. Soni,R., 2015,Theme based early childhood care and education programme- A ResourceBook,NCERT                                                          


Academic Year: