Rehabilitation and Management of Children with Developmental Challenges (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  1. Explain the meaning of rehabilitation;
  2. Analyse the concept of managing special children needs and requirements
  3. Evaluate the challenges of developing child
  4. Clarify various therapies used in dealing special children.



Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code



24CEFE 802

  Rehabilitation and Management of Children with Developmental Challenges



CO121 : Appraise the terms rehabilitation, community-based rehabilitation, normalization integration, mainstreaming, and inclusion

CO122 :  Evaluate the government, and voluntary organizations that are managing children with developmental Challenges at the local, district, state, and national levels.

CO123 :  Analyse the rehabilitation of children with developmental challenges through a multidisciplinary approach

CO124 : Analyse  the Educational Concessions, Facilities, and Provisions for Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Set Up       

CO125 :  Apply the strategies for rehabilitation of children who are mentally challenged, visually impaired, hearing impaired, learning disabled, gifted, orthopedically challenged, children with social and emotional problems and children with neurological problems.

CO126: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approaches in Teaching:  Interactive Lectures,  Reading assignments, Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students:

Relevant books, papers – students read, collate and make presentations on selected theme

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.


Unit I: 
Early Identification of Children with Developmental Challenges

● Early identification of Children with Developmental Challenges- Concept, Need,

● Steps in assessment process – Identification, screening, diagnosis, programme

● Early Intervention – Types of early intervention and Linking assessment with intervention process.

● Intervention -Planning, placement, monitoring and evaluation.


Unit II: 
Rehabilitation of Children with Developmental Challenges

● Rehabilitation –Definition and Concept-Vocational, educational and recreational rehabilitation of the children with developmental challenges

● Vocational, educational and recreational rehabilitation of Mentally challenged, visually impaired, Hearing  impaired children, and children with Learning disability.

● Vocational, educational and recreational rehabilitation of Orthopedically challenged children and Autism spectrum disorder

● Vocational, educational and recreational rehabilitation of Children with Social and emotional problems


Unit III: 
Management of Children with Developmental Challenges

Management of Children with Developmental Challenges - Role of parents, Role of schools- Role of Government, Voluntary organizations and community .

● Concepts of Normalization and Integration, Mainstreaming and Inclusion, Special schools, Resource rooms, Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and Individualized Education Programme (IEP)- parent – Teacher partnership.

● Multidisciplinary team approach -Services provided by different experts and their role.


Unit IV: 
Therapeutic interventions
  • Physio Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy, Special Education,
  • Speech Therapy,
  • Hydro Therapy
  • Play Therapy
  • Behaviour Modification.


Unit V: 
Community Based Rehabilitation Services

Definition, Basic concepts of community based rehabilitation and objectives.

 ● Sectors and Roles for the development of community based rehabilitation

 ● Essential ingredients for sustainability which CBR programmes

 ● Community based Rehabilitation- steps - Situation analysis, Planning and designing.

● Implementation of Community based rehabilitation management - monitoring and Evaluation. Community based rehabilitation management matrix


Essential Readings: 

. Bhatia, M.S. (1992). Essentials of psychiatry, New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors.

2. Coleman, M.C. (1986). Behaviour disorders theory and practice, London: Prentice Hall.



Suggested Readings

  1. Sankar, U. (1991). Exceptional children, New Delhi, Enkay Publication.
  2.  Hargrove, I. J. (1984). Assessment of special education, Prentice Hall Publication.
  3.  Mehta, D.S. 1983. Handbook of Disabled in India, New Delhi: Allied Publishers.
  4.  Cellier.(1979).Teacher,Macmillian Publications, London
  5. Michel J. Curalnick. (1978).Early intervention and the integration of handicapped, University Park Press, London




Academic Year: