Paper Code: 
HFN 143 C
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

•    To develop ability to use sensory evaluation an analytical tool
•    To enable students to design new food products


Product Design
a)    Selection of Product
b)    Different phase of product designing
Product Evaluation
•    Subjective-
a)    Fundamental rules of scoring and grading and conducting sensory evaluation.
b)    Type of test – difference test,
c)    Rating test, sensitivity tests
d)     Descriptive test
•    Objective-
a)    Chemical Methods
b)    Physiochemical methods
c)    Physical, microscopic methods and techniques



•    Shelf Life studies
a)    Organoleptic tests
b)    Nutritional analysis
c)    Microbial analysis



Hazard Analysis and Management
a)    Hygiene and Quality Management
b)    Food Hygiene principles
c)    Food Laws and Standards with recent amendments
d)    Quality control, risk management
e)    Physical and chemical characterization of quality parameters



Food Packaging:
a)    Objectives and Types of packaging
b)    Basic Packaging materials and their protective quality
c)    Effect of packaging on nutritive value of foods
d)    Advance trends in food packing
e)    Food product labelling and nutritional labelling

Unit V: 

Product Development:
a)    Introduction to consumer research
b)    Generation of new ideas in early stages of Product Development
c)    Development of new product concepts
d)    Testing product concepts in later phases of the new product development  process
e)    Process of patenting and marketing new product

Essential Readings: 
  • Food Structure- Its creation and Evaluation. Blanshard, Hutton &  Walters. Butterworths, London (1989).
  • Physical Properties of Food . Jowitt, Esher, Kent, Roughes. Elssevier Applied Science. London & NewYork (1987).
  • Food Product Development. Mary D Earle 7 Richard Earle. 2001
  • Sensory Evaluation of Food. Gisela Jellinek. Ellis Horwood Series in Food Science and Techonology.

•    Fundamentals of Quality Control for food Industry- 3rd Ed, Vol. 1, Kramer A& Twigg BA. AVI Publishing  Co. Westpot CT
•    Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Foods. Amerine, Pangborn and Roessler Academic Press. New York. 1965.
•    Developments in food Analysis Techniques. Brannan JG. Vol 2. Elsvier Applied Science Publisher & Distributer. 1996.
•    Quality Assurance of Food: Ingredients Processing & Distribution: Food and Nutrition Press, Westport CT. 1988.


Academic Year: