Basic knowledge of acid base titration, complexometric titration and precipitation titration.
Qualitative estimation of carbohydrates and amino acids.
Various concepts of physics
Volumetric Analysis
Acid base titration(Estimation of free alkali present in the given soap solution)
Precipitation Titration(Estimate amount of salinity in a given solution using silver nitrate)
Complexometric titration( Determination of hardness of water)
Qualitative tests for carbohydrates and preparation of derivative(Osazone) Monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides
Qualitative analysis of amino acids
To study the sensitivity of different measuring instruments and determine the thickness of a glass plate using (i). Vernier Calipers and (ii). Screw Gauge
To repair and test an electric iron.
To repair the given chord and fuse and test them.
Characteristic curves of a transistor and determination of transistor constants.
Refractive index of a liquid by traveling microscope.
Focal length of a convex lens- Displacement method.
Demonstration experiments
To study the various sources of electricity and measure their e.m.f.’s.
To study the various sources of light and record their wattages.
To obtain a pure spectrum of various sources of light (Na and Hg) using a spectrometer.
Essential Readings:
Morrison, R. T. and Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, (2001), 7th edition, Prentice Hall.
Graham Solomon, T.W. Organic chemistry 10th Ed. (2009) John Wiley and sons,Inc.
Voet, D and Voet,J, Principles of Biochemistry,4th edition(2011) by John wiley and sons.
Nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M., Lehninger's principles of Biochemistry, 6th edition,(2012) W.H. Freeman.
P.C. Jain, Monika Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publications (1979)
Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J.L. and Stryer, L. (2012). Biochemistry 7th Ed., W. H. Freeman
Household Physics (2012), Claude H. Brechner, Hardpress.