Paper Code: 
HHD 223
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to:
1. Understand the consideration for selecting a location for ECCE centre.
2. Apply the effective and efficient ways of maintaining and utilizing indoor and outdoor space.
3. Execute and categorize different types of equipment and learning materials for ECCE centre.
4. Understand different aspects of staff management at ECCE centre.
5. Apply the ways to monitor and supervise the work of ECCE workers.
Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 223

Organization and management of early childhood centers


Student will be able to –


COHD46: Organize the different criteria for selecting location and building infrastructure for ECCE canter.

COHD47:Develop knowledge of availability, selection and use of equipment and materials in multiple ways for ECCE centre.

COHD48:Develop knowledge and apply the skills  while selecting  human resources for ECCE centre

COHD49:Describe the knowledge of inclusion policy and will get skill in supervision and monitoring of ECCE centre


Approaches in Teaching:  Lecture & discussion specific to areas ,Audio visual resources,Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, Examine select readings

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.

Unit I: 
Concept of ECCE centre, Location & Infrastructure
  •   Planning an ECCE centre : Identification of local needs, nature of services, Location
  •  Infrastructure/physical facilities-Building & its beautification, aesthetics, cleanliness,  safety and approach ,water facility, toilet facility, outdoor facilities, Indoor facilities, Safety (Disaster Management and First - aid facility)
  •  Renting space and procuring space for ECCE center
Unit II: 
Equipments & Materials
  • Type of Equipments and Learning Materials- Indoor & outdoor equipment
  • Selection of Equipments and Learning Materials-Age appropriateness, multiple uses, adequacy, variety, safety, diversity & natural
  •  Allocation of learning materials- Action corner, storage space
  • Utilization & maintenance of Equipments and Learning Materials
Unit III: 
Human Resource Management
  • Types of ECCE personnel
  • Role& quality of  ECCE personnel
  • Criteria for Selection of Staff
  •         Teacher-child ratio
  •           Need and importance of in-service training
Unit IV: 
Maintenance of records& Finance in ECE settings
  •  Records &  Registers : Need and Importance
  • Records : Monitoring and regulating children‘s growth such as health, anecdotal and cumulative records, Daily /weekly diaries
  • Registers:  Attendance, Admission, fees, library, stock, teachers and other financial matters.
  • Budgeting and Accounting
Unit V: 
Inclusion& supervision of ECCE centre
  • Respecting diversity
  • Inclusion of children with disability  in an  ECCE.
  • Fund  raising for ECCE centre- Grant-in-aid from the government, donations, Organize materials and stationary donation camp, Volunteerism, renting out the space
  • Supervision and monitoring of ECCE centre

Books recommended:

Singh, A. (1995). Playing to Learn: A training manual for Early Childhood Education. M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation. 
Combs, B. (2011) Assessing and Addressing Literacy Needs. New York: Sage Global
Aubrey, C. (2011) Leading and Managing in the Early Years. New York: Sage Global
White, J. ( 2011) Outdoor Provision In the Early Years. New York : Sage Global
Knight, S (2011) Risk and Adventure in Early Years Outdoor Play. New York : Sage Global
Academic Year: