Occupational Health and Well Being

Paper Code: 
HHD 143B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to :
1. To gain the broad understanding of the topic.
2. To understand the main theoretical and empirical directions in this field.
Unit I: 
Occpational Health
Introduction to Occupational Health and Well being at work.
Health triangle : physical,mental/emotional, and social heads.
Life style factors that contribute to health, risk behaviours and impact.
Occupational health scenario in India.
Effects of work on health
Effects of health on work.
Unit II: 
Stressors at workplace
Stressors at workplace.
Physical sensors-
Noise and vibration Lighting
Hazardous substances
Enviromental pollution
Exposure to solvents
Shift work
Psychosocial stressors :
Management of attendance
Work overload
Gender Discrepencies
Controversial issues
Unit III: 
Health concerns and stressors
Health concerns of stressors-Muskuloskeletal disorders,Physical injuries, Lung diseases,Mental ill health, and stress, Cancers, chemical emergencies, Cardiovascular diseases,, skin problems, Process of stress.
Sleep disorders
Diseases and workplace productivity.
The impact of work –related injury and disesase on the economy of the country and on the individual worker and his/her family
Unit IV: 
Health Education
Health education and health surveillance in the work setting.
Stress management at the work place
Controlling workplace hazards : hazardous agents in the workplace and work equipment safety.
Methods of health promotion at work place
Promotion of mental health at work
First aid in the workplace.
Management of people with musculoskeletoal disorders.
Provision of immunization and vaccination.
Risk assessment and risk management.
Provision of rehabilitative  care in physical nd mental health.
Unit V: 
Counselling and Guidance
Counselling and guidance –with referral to specialists.
Happiness and its benefits.
Components of well being –positive emoMindfullness and acceptance at workplace, gratitude,self control, Creativity, practical wisdom.
Personal resources in dealing with delibitating demands at work.
Diet and eating patterens at workplace.
Basic tips on relaxation at work to improve physical and psychological sense of well being.
Physical exercise to enhance well being.
Industrial And Organizational Psychology: Research And Practice by Paul E. Spector 
Psychology Applied to Work: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology 
by Paul M. Muchinsky.
Handbook of Occupational Health Psychologyby James C. Quick (Editor) and Lois E. Tetrick (Editor)
Work Motivation in Organizational Behavior by Craig E. Pinder 
Handbook of Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology  by Walter C. Borman, Daniel R. Ilgen, Richard J. Klimoski and Irving B. Weiner
Academic Year: