Paper Code: 
HFN 143 B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To understand the causes, risk factors and underlying changes in the body during various non communicable diseases
  • To understand the role of modified diet and life style in the management of the disease and their complications


Unit I: 

·         Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Types and their Prevalence in the World and Country

a)       Diabetes -   Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes, Other types

b)       Cardiovascular disease - Hypertension, Coronary heart disease,  Ischaemic heart disease, Myocardial Infarction, Inflammatory and rheumatic heart diseases, Heart failure

c)       Chronic respiratory diseases

d)       Cancer and its types

e)       Osteoporosis


·         Obesity as determinant of NCDs

·         Clinical manifestations of the Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) – Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Diseases, Chronic Respiratory Diseases, Osteoporosis and Cancer

Intrauterine programming for NCDs

Unit II: 
Unit III: 


Unit IV: 
  1. Risk Factors
  2. Etiology (Pathogenesis)
  3. Pathophysiological changes
  4. Diagnosis, Prevention and control
  5. Lifestyle and Dietary Management


Unit V: 
  • Cancer
  1. Risk Factors
  2. Etiology (Pathogenesis)
  3. Pathophysiological changes
  4. Screening and early detection
  5. Lifestyle and Dietary Management
  6. Dietary constituents of interest, prevention guidelines for individuals and populations


Essential Readings: 

·         Mahan, L.K. & Ecott-Stump, S. (2000) : Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 10th Edition, W.B. Saunders Pvt. Ltd.

·         Shils, M.E.. Olson, J.A., Shike, N. and Ross, A.C. (Ed) (1999) : Modern Nutrition in Health & Disease, 9th Edition, Williams and Wilkins.

·         Escott-Stump, S. (1998) : Nutrition and Diagnosis Related Care, 4th Edition, Williams and Wilkins.

·         Garrow, J.S., James, W.P.T. and Ralph, A. (2000) : Human Nutrition Dietetics, 10th Edition, Churchill Livingstone.

·         Williams, S.R. (1993) : Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 7th Edition, Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing.

·         Davis, J. and Sherer, K. (1994) : Applied Nutrition and Diet Therapy  for Nurses, 2nd Edition, W.B. Saunders Co.

·         Walker, W.A. and Watkins, J.B. (Ed) (1985) : Nutrition in Pediatrics, Boston, Little, Brown & Co.

·         Guyton, A.C. and Hall, J.E. (1999) : Textbook of Medical Phyiology, W.B. Saunders Co.

·         Ritchie, A.C. (1990) : Boyd’s Textbook of Pathology, 9th Edition, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.

·         Fauci, S.A. et al (1998) : Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th Edition, McGraw Hill.

·         World Cancer Research Fund 9 (1997). Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer – A Global Perspective. Washington E.D. WCRF

·         Khanna, K., Gupta, S. and Seth, R. (1999). Textbook of Nutrition and Dietetics, Phoenix Pub. House Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi.

·         Bamji, M.S., Rao, N.P. and Reddy, V. (1999) : Textbook of Human Nutrition, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

·         Swaminathan, M.S. (1985). Advanced Textbook on Food and Nutrition. Vol. I & II. The Bangalore Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd. Bangalore.

·         Antia, F.P. and Abraham, P. (1997). Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition. Oxford University Press, Delhi.

·         Robinson, C.H. and Lawler, M.R. (1986). Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition. Macmillan, New York.

·         WHO (2011). Non Communicable Diseases - Country Profiles. Geneva, Switzerland

·         WHO (2011). Global status report on non communicable diseases 2010. Geneva, Switzerland

·         Reddy, KS. Diet and the cardiovascular disease. In: Yusuf, S., Cairns, JA., Camm, AJ., Fallen, EL, Gersh, BJ., editors. Evidence-based cardiology. 3 ed. London: Wiley-Blackwell (2009).

·         Reddy, KS. and Thakker, P. Public health in South Asia. In: Beaglehole R, Ruth B, editors. Global public health: anew era. 2ed. New York: Oxford University Press (2009).

·         Sheikh, K. and George, A. (2010). Health providers in India - on the frontlines of change. New Delhi: Routledge.

·         Willett, W.C., J. P. Koplan, R. Nugent, C. Dusenbury, P. Puska, and T. A. Gaziano. 2006. “Prevention of Chronic Disease by Means of Diet and Lifestyle Changes.” 833-50.

·         Venkat Narayan, K.M., P. Zhang, A.M. Kanaya, D.E. Williams, M. M. Engelgau, G. Imperatore, and A. Ramachandran. 2006. “Diabetes: The Pandemic and Potential Solutions.” 591-604.

·         Rodgers, A., C. M. M. Lawes, T. Gaziano, and T. Vos. The Growing Burden of Risk from High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Bodyweight. In: Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. 2nd edition. Jamison DT, Breman JG, Measham AR, et al., editors.Washington (DC): World Bank (2006).

Journals :

·         Nutrition Update Series.

·         World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics.

·         Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

·         Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics

·         American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

·         European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

·         Nutrition Reviews.


Academic Year: