Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

1.  Gain knowledge of key theories, concepts, models and perspectives in the study of communication & media

2.   Understand the relevance and roles of communication media in individual lives as well as in larger context of culture & society.

3.   To analyse the relationships, dynamics, and trends within communication media, culture & society

4.   To analyze media contents by exploring determinants of gender, ethnicity, race and religion



Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

24GHSC 401


Culture and




CO1: Appraise the role of Culture and mass media.

CO2: Explain skills to see and analyse media performance and content from different sociocultural perspective

CO3: Critique the role of media in promoting gender equity and popular culture.

CO4: Explore the role of media in the development of personality.

CO5: Examine the social construction of gender and socio-cultural practices impacting gender

CO6: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Classroom discussion, Presentation,

Learning activities for the students:

Assignments, Media content analysis & Review, analysis of a
 research article,

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments


Unit I: 
Understanding culture
  • Concept of cultures, sub cultures
  • Popular, folk and mass culture
  • Role of Ideology and hegemony
  • Role of Mass Media in society


Unit II: 
Media Audience analysis
  • Media Audience analysis (segmentation).
  • Types of Audience
  • Theories of Audience
  • Women as audience
  • Approaches to media analysis
  • Media and realism (class, gender, race, age, minorities, children etc.)


Unit III: 
Media and Popular culture
  • Relation between Media and Popular culture
  • Social construction of reality by media
  • Construction Vs Distortion of reality
  • Cultural Studies approach to media
  • Intercultural influences on media


Unit IV: 
Social Media
  • Concept of Social media
  • Media Technologies in the Digital Age
  • Social media: Addiction & Inequality
  • Social media influence on lifestyle
  • Social Media and children


Unit V: 
Gender and Media
  • Social construction of gender reality by contemporary media
  • Media and perpetuation of gender stereotypes: Rhetoric of the image, narrative
  • Mainstream media and gender – Portrayal and Representation
  • Representation of women in media in political, cultural and social landscape
  • Gender and ICTs – Case studies


Essential Readings: 
  1. Baran and Davis. (2012). Mass Communication Theory. USA: Wadsworth. Chapter 10, Page 278-312
  2. 2. Storey, John. (2013). Culture: Theory and Popular Culture. New York: Routledge Publications. Chapter 1,Page 1-14, 37-44
  3. 3.  Mc Quail, D. (2010). Mass Communication Theory. London: Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage



  1. Potter, James W. (2019). Media Literacy. USA: Sage Publications. Chapter 12, Page 242-256 Publications. Chapter 15, 16. Page 331-376, Publications. Chapter 7,8, Page 135-180.
  2. Abraham, M.F.(2006).Contemporary Sociology: An Introduction to Concepts and Theories. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Chapter 4, pg 53-66, Chapter 7, pg 91-102
  3. Sachdeva, D.R., & Vidyabhushan. (2004). An Introduction to Sociology.  llahabad:Kitab Mahal. Chapter 4, pg 73-99, Chapter 39, pg 775-796
  4. 4. Grossberg, Lawrence et al (1998). Media-Making: Mass Media in a Popular Culture.New Delhi: Publications. Chapter 10, Page 213-235. Sage Publications. Chapter 5,6,7, Page 133-193
  5. Ghadially, R (2007).Urban Women in Contemporary India. . New Delhi: Sage Publications. Chapter-9,10,11,12, pg 137-183
  6. Chattopadhyay, S (2018). Gender Socialization and the Making of Gender in the Indian Context. New Delhi: Sage Publications.




Academic Year: