Management Of Specific Resources (Theory)

Paper Code: 
H.Sc- 204
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  • understand the basic concepts of Time,  Energy and  Money management
  •  Various consumers’ problems and their remedy.


Unit I: 
Time Management
  • Time as resource
  • Goals of time management
  • Factors affecting time management
  • Tools or specific aids
  • Process of time management
  • Time Norms
Unit II: 
Energy Management
  • Energy as a resources
  • Goals of energy management
  • Factors affecting energy management
  • Fatigue – Types, Causes and ways to overcome fatigue
  • Process of energy management, body machines, Principles of body machines
  • Work simplification – classes of change
  • Techniques of time and motion study
  • Ergonomics in home – an introduction
Unit III: 
Money Management :-
  • Family as an economic unit
  • Family income – reaming, types and sources
  • Factors affecting variation in family expenditure
  • Budgeting – Meaning, importance, process and types
  • Credit – Meaning, sources, types, and cost
  • Saving and investment- Meaning, sources, types
  • Taxation –Basic concept


Unit IV: 
Consumer and Consumer Problems:-
  • Definition
  • Consumers’ problems
  • Consumer protection and awareness
  • Consumer rights and responsibilities


Unit V: 
Consumer Protective Services
  • Standards
  • Consumer protection laws, responsibilities and information
  • Role of advertisement


Essential Readings: 
  1. Gross,I. H. and Crandall,E.W. (1963): Management for modern Familie
  2. Nickell, P. and Dorsey, J.M. (1970): Management in Family Living. Wiley     Eastern Ltd. New Delhi.
  3. Bhargava  B.(2008): Family Resource Management& Interior Decoration, University Book House Jaipur


  1. Donnely, J.H... Gibson, J.L. and Ivancevick, J.M. (1995). Fundamentals of Management. Chicago.
  2.  Gross,I. H. and Crandall,E.W and Knoll,M.M. (1980): Management for modern Families.
  3. Mullick, Premlata (2000): Text book of Home Science. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
  4. Nickell, P. and Dorsey, J.M. (1970): Management in Family Living. Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi.
  5. Varghese, M.A., Ogle, M. and Srinivasan, K. (1985): Home Management. Wiley Eastern Publishers, New Delhi.     


Academic Year: