Paper Code: 
HFN 228
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to:

  • To make the students understand various methods for estimating energy and protein requirements of an individual
  • To prepare them to plan studies to find out Nutrient balance  
  1. Estimation of Energy Requirements-                                                             


  1. Energy expenditure on physical activities
  2. Factorial Approach


  1. Estimation of Protein requirements            

Factorial Approach                                                                                                           

  1. Estimation of Protein Quality using NDP-Cal%       
  2. Balance Studies -                                                                                             

Nitrogen Balance

  1. Calculate dietary fatty acid according to FAO/ WHO 2008 recommendation for adult male and Female in all three physical activity level, children and physiological status
  2. Calculate iron requirement of Pregnant for all three trimester. Calculate RDA for pregnant women.
  3. Calculate iron requirement for normal development of


Expansion of maternal Red Cell Mass

      Placenta and cord during all three trimester

  1. Determine total fat and fibre intake of self using data on dietary intake using  24 hrs dietary recall method for a period of 3 days fat (MUFA, PUFA AND SATURATED FAT)
  2. Dietary Fibre (Insoluble, Soluble)




Essential Readings: 
  1. Pike and Brown: Nutrition-An Integrated approach-John Wiley and sons, New York



Annual Reviews of Nutrition. Annual Review Inc. California, USA.

2.         Shils, M.E. Olson, J. ; Shike, M. and Roos, C. (1998) : Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 9th edition. Williams and Williams. A Beverly Co. London.

3.         Bodwell, C.E. and Erdman, J.W. (1988) Nutrient Interactions. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York.

4.         World Reviews of Nutrition and Dietetics.

5.         WHO Technical Report Series.

6.         Indian Council of Medical Research. Recommended Dietary Intakes for Indians – Latest Recommendations.

7.         Indian Council of Medical Research. Nutritive Value of Indian Foods – Latest Publication.

8.         Davidson, Passmore and Eastwood: Human Nutrition and Dietetics- FLBS

9.         Bamji, M.S., Rao, N.P. and Reddy, V. (1999) : Textbook of Human Nutrition, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

10.       Robinson, C.H. and Lawler, M.R. (1986). Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition. Macmillan, New York.

11.       Beaton, G.H. and Bengoa, J.M.(eds) WHO. Monograph Series 62



Journals :


1.         Nutrition Reviews

2.         Journal of Nutrition

3.         British Journal of Nutrition

4.         International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research

5.         Nutrition Research

Academic Year: