Human Nutrition & Meal Management (Theory)

Paper Code: 
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This course will enable students to:

  • Understand and know various aspects of food  in terms of its composition.
  • Have an insight of the factors affecting meal management


Unit I: 
Introduction to nutrition –

Introduction to nutrition –

Food as source of nutrition, definition of nutrition, nutrients, adequate nutrition, optimum nutrition, good nutrition, malnutrition.

Definition and concept of the followings:

  1. Balanced diet
  2. RDI and RDA


Unit II: 
Energy Metabolism
  • Units of energy

  • Measurement of energy expenditure by direct and indirect calorimetry

  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR), respiratory quotient (RQ), specific dynamic action (SDA)

  • Factors affecting BMR

  • Prerequisites of measuring BMR and RMR

  • Regulation of energy balance
Unit III: 
Requirement, physiological functions, sources deficiencies, excess of macronutrients

Requirement, physiological functions, sources deficiencies, excess of macronutrients:

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Fats

   Basic concept and definitions of quality assessment methods of protein (Briefly)        

  •  BV
  •  PER
  •  NPR                                    
  •  NDP, NDP cal%
  •  Amino acid score

3.  Role of fiber in health and nutrition



Requirement, physiological functions, sources deficiencies, excess of micronutrients:

a. Vitamins – fat soluble and water soluble vitamins

b. Minerals – Iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc 

2.  Water and Electrolyte Balance:                                                               

a. Properties of water,

b. Daily allowances

c. Significance of water in health.

d. Water and electrolyte Balance

Unit V: 
Meal Management

Meal  Management

  1. Importance & Goals of Meal planning
  2. Factors affecting Meal planning:  Nutritional, socio-cultural, religious, geographic, economic, availability of time & material resources, use of convenience foods in Meal planning
  3. Factors influencing food intake:  Physiologic factors – Hunger, appetite, hedonic factors; Environmental & Behavioral factors – cultural, economical, social, religious, age and sex, emotional factors
Essential Readings: 
  1. Food Chemistry by Fennema (1985)Marceladikkr London.
  2. Food science, chemistry and experimental foods by M.Swaminathan (1987) The Bangalore printing & publishing Co. Ltd.Bangalore.
  3. Introduction to Conn & Stumn.


  1. Experimental Foods by Swaminathan.
  2. Text book of Biochemistry by E.S West, Todd, Mason and Von.
  3. Food Chemistry by Lillian Hoagland Meyer.CBS Publishers and distributors, New Delhi.
  4. Food Chemistry by H.D Beltz, W. Groseh. SpringerVerlag New York.
  5. Human Nutrition and Meal planning by Sharma Jhanda Publishers, Delhi. 


Academic Year: