Paper Code: 
CHSC 411
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the student to:

  • Understand all round developmental changes and impact during adolescence and adulthood.
  • Know the problems of similar age groups
Unit I: 
Introduction to Adolescence (13-19yrs)
  • Definition ,Characteristics and developmental tasks
  • Physical development- growth spurt, physical transition, sexual maturity, primary and secondary sex characteristics, nutrition and health
  • Thinking process- (Piaget formal operation)
  • Problems –physiological, psychological, academic, social and others
  • Eating disorders-anorexia and bulimia and their prevention
  •  Personality – identity, identity statuses and body image
  • Family and peer relationships
Unit II: 
Sexuality Issues
  • Sex education-meaning, importance and methods                                                          
  • Methods of family planning-meaning, importance, types
  • Problems in adolescents- masturbation, heterosexuality, homosexuality
  • Risk factors- suicide, AIDS, teenage pregnancy, juvenile delinquency and substance abuse
  •  Emotional maturity, family relationship and causes of friction
  • Adolescent language and morality
Unit III: 
Young Adulthood (20-40 yrs )
  • Developmental tasks, characteristics 
  • Physical and Cognitive development
  • Psychosocial development-self identity,marriage, family and parenthood
  • Responsibilities and challenges of adults
  • Responsibilities of parenthood, changing trends in parenting
  • Diversity in roles and relationships
Unit IV: 
Middle Adulthood (41-60 yrs)
  • Characteristics, adjustment to physical changes (appearance, sensory ability,

      physical functioning, health, sex), mental abilities, interests, social 

      and emotional adjustments.

  • Coping with midlife crisis, marital satisfaction, occupational adjustments-

      stable and unstable pattern, gender differences, relations with friends

      and relatives.

  • Coping with stress in family and workplace.
  • Menopause, andropause, health issues.
  • Preparation for retirement
  •  Grand parenting- advantages and disadvantages.
Unit V: 
Late Adulthood and Ageing (above 60 yrs.)
  • Definitions, physiological changes and cognitive changes- appearance,
    • physical, sensory, attitudinal, interests, motor functioning and mental abilities.
  • Retirement – effect on self concept, attitude of family and society
  • Problems of old age- ageing, financial, problems faced, loneliness,

prolonged illness, changing relationships.

  • Successful ageing, using leisure time, managing finance.
  • Provisions and policies for aging adults


Essential Readings: 
  • Santrock, W. John (2007). Life Span Development, Sixth Edition,

        McGraw Hill, New York

  • Berk, L. (2006).Child development, Allyn and Bacon, New York
  • Hurlock E.B. (1978). Child development, Megraw Hill Publishing Co.
  • Rice, F. (1992). Human Development. A Life Span Approach Prentice, Hall
  • John Brond, Peter Coleman and Sheila Peace Aging in Society: An Introduction to Social Gerontology, 2nd edition (1993) Sage Publications, New Delhi.
  • K. Warner Schaie and Sherry 1. Willis, Adult Development and Aging 3rd edition (1991) Harper – Collins Publishers, U.S.A.
  • Linda Nielson Adolescent Psychology: Contemporary view (1987) holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, Chicago, U.S.A.



Academic Year: