FOOD SCIENCE (Practical)

Paper Code: 
DHSC 516 (A)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. i)   Applications and factors affecting formation of Sols, gels, foams and emulsions

ii)  Study of microscopic structure of different food starches and their gelatinization


2.  i)  Slide preparation and identification of bacteria, yeast and mold

     ii) Assessment of hygienic practices of food handlers

3. i) Preservation of food using different methods (Blanching, Dehydration, Freezing)

    ii) Basic principle involved in food preservation using additives

4.  i) Sensory evaluation methods and their applications.

    ii) Food analysis: Moisture, ash, pH

5. Evaluation of Food labels

Essential Readings: 
  • Frazier W. C. and Westhoff D. C. (1988). Food Microbiology, 4th Edition.
  • Manay S. and Shadaksharaswamy M (2002). Foods – Facts and Principles. Wiley Eastern Ltd.
  • Potter H (1995). Food Science, 5th Edition. CBS Publishers & Distributors.
  • Srilakshmi (2007). Food Science, 4th Edition. New Age International Ltd.
  • Raina U, Kashyap S, Narula V, Thomas S, Suvira, Vir S, Chopra S (2010). Basic Food Preparation:
  • A Complete Manual, Fourth Edition. Orient Black Swan Ltd.
  • Sethi Mohini and Rao E (2011). Food Science (Experiments and Applications), 2nd Edition. CBS Publishers & Distributers Pvt. Ltd.




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