This course will enable the students:
Protective foods
Classification, composition, significance, color, pigments, compounds responsible for flavour, buying and care, changes that occur during cooking, minimize nutritional losses during preparation and cooking.
Classification (juicy, pulpy, citrus other), composition, nutritional contribution flavour constituents, changes that occur during ripening,
3. Spices and condiments
Composition, nutritive value, role in cooking.
4. Beverages and appetizers, preparation involved in Tea,
Coffee,Cocca,Chocolate.Types of beverages.
5. Introduction to quality aspects related to food and food products- physical, chemical and microbiological aspects .
6. Food adulteration: definition, incidental and intentional adulteration, common adulterants in food and simple tests for detection of food adulterants
7. Food laws: voluntary and mandatory- national and international
8. Role of voluntary agencies and legal aspects of consumer protection.
9. Food standards: PFA, FPO, AGMARK and others
10. Sources of contamination and aseptic handling of foods
11. House hold based methods of food preservation along with principles of food preservation.
12. Classification of methods-