Paper Code: 
CND 203
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students

  • To understand the use of Exchange list
  • To plan diet for individuals at different stages of life cycle, having different physiological conditions and for weight management.


  • Use of exchange list.
  • Planning and preparing nutrient rich dishes.
  • Planning, preparation and serving of meals for
  • Preschool child
  • School age child
  • Adolescent,
  • Adult
  • Old age person
  • Pregnant lady
  • Lactating mother
  • Athlete
  • Planning, preparation and serving of meals for individuals -
  • Overweight
  • Underweight


Essential Readings: 
  1. Robinson CH, Lawler MR, Chevoweth WL, Garwick AE. Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition. Mac Millan Publishing Company, New York, 1982. 
  2. Khanna, K., Gupta, S., Pass, S.J, Pass, S.J, Seth, R., Mahan, R. and Puri, S. 1997 Texbook of Nutrition and Dietetics. Phoenix Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
  3. Antia, F.P and Abraham, P. 1997 Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition. Oxford University Press, New Delhi (4 Ed)
  4.  Begum, M.R. 1996. A Text Book of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. (Revised 2 Ed)
  5. Joshi, S.A., 2001 Nutrition and Dietetics. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, Delhi. (9 Ed).
  6. Kreutler, P.A and Czajka Narins, D.M. 1987 Nutrition in Perspective. Prenticend Hall, INC, Englewood cliffs, New Jersey. (2 Ed)
  7. Mahan, L.K. and Stump, S.E., 2000. Karuse’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy.W.B Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (10 Ed)
  8. Sabarwal, B. 1999 Encyclopedia of Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health (4Vol)Efficient Offset, Delhi.
  9. Sabarwal, B. 1999. Meal Management. Common Wealth Publishers, New Delhi.
  10. Sabarwal, B. 1999 Foundations of Nutrition. Common Wealth Publishers, New Delhi.
  11. Sharma, S., 2000. Human Nutrition and meal planning. Jnananda Prakashan (P & D), New Delhi. (1st Ed)
  12. Dietary Tips For Better Health,  Food & Nutrition Board .MWCD Govt. of India(2007)
  13. Dietary Tips For the Elderly,  Food & Nutrition Board .MWCD Govt. of India(2007)



















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