This course will enable the students to :
Books Recommended:
1. Duvall, E.M. Family, The Macmillon Company, New York 1961.
2. Lanois, F.R. and Landis, M.O. Personala adjustments in Marriage and family living,
Prentice Hall Inc., New York 1955.
3. Renkel, F. The Family in perspective. Appleton Contury, Crofts, Inc., New Delhi, 1960.
4. Rao. C.N.S.Introduction to Sociology. Vol. 1. S. Chand & Company (pvt.) Ltd.
5. Kapur,S.Changing status of working women in India,Vikas
5. Mandelbaum,D.G.,Society in India,Popular Prakashan,1972.
6. Nye,I and Berardo,the family its structure and interaction.Macmillan,1973.
7. Jack,N.Modern society,Georage Allen and union,1981.
8. Rai,B.C.,Social Psychology,Prakashan Kendra,1982.
9. Nye and Berarde,Emerging conceptual framework in Family Analysis.
10. Kapadia K.M.Mirrage & Family in India Madras,Oxford University Press,1955.