Entrepreneurship Development (Theory)

Paper Code: 
HFN 321
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to understand:-

  • The process of planning, organizing, in the management of human material and financial resources.
  • Identification of opportunities
  • Exposure to demand based, resource based and service based requirement.
Unit I: 

a)    Approaches to food service management

  • Different approaches (Traditional, classical, scientific)
  • Management by objectives
  • Systems approach to food services
  • Quantitative approach
  • Total quality management of approach.

b)    Managing an organization:

  • Process involved
  • Principles of Management
  • Functions of Management.

c)    Management of Resources (Capital, equipment, functions, space, staff etc    

Unit II: 

Financial Management
a) Records & controls : Basic concept

  • Types of Budget
  • Records (Purchase, receiving, storage, production, service, income and expenditure)
  • Reviewing actual performance records.
  • Profit & loss statement.

b)    Cost Control

  • Factors affecting cost control
  • Determining selling price of food
  • Checklist for cost control
  • Designing for profit.
Unit III: 

Personnel Management
a)    Leadership (definition, components, approaches to leadership)

  • Leaders qualities attitude and behaviour and values.
  • Leadership styles
  • Communication - The key to effective leadership
  • Application to food service management.

b)    Staff planning and Management

  • Approaches to staff management
  • Issues in planning and management
  • Steps in planning
  • Staff scheduling.
Unit IV: 

1) Employment Process

  • Determining staff requirements.
  • Establishing policies for recruitment
  • Staff recruitment and selection
  • Staff Placement.
  • Staff Training (Need for training, Areas of Training, Training Process,
    Evaluation & appraisal)


2) Personnel Function - Work productivity:-

a) Meaning and definition of work productivity

b)Understanding formal relationship and duties.

  • Vertical and horizontal division of labour.
  • Line and staff division of labour.
  • Departmentalization.
  • Organization Chart
  • Coordination.

c) Design of Job (job analysis, job description, job titles and job enrichment)

d) Work Design

e) Work measurement in food service operation.

f) Productivity Improvement & quality circles.


3) Laws governing staff planning and management

  • Trade unions and contract negotiations.


Unit V: 

6. personnel function- work productivity:-

a) meaning and definition  of work productivity

b) understanding formal relationship and duties.

  • vertical and horizontal division of labour.
  • line and staff division of labour.
  • departmentalization
  • organization chart
  • coordination

c) design of job (job analysis,job description,job titles and job enrichment)

d) work design

e) work measurement in food service operation.

f) productivity improvement & quality circles.

7. entrepreneurship development :definition ,concept and importance.

characterictics:- types of entrepreneur:qualities ,qualifications of good entrepreneur.Factors determining the development of entrepreneurship,entrepreneurship education and traning :obstacles in the development of entrepreneurship.

Essential Readings: 
  1. West, Wood, Shugart, Harger, 1977 : Food service in Institutions.
  2. S. Malhan & M. Sethi,  Catering Management-in Integrated approach. New Age International Publishers. Second Edition.2005
  3. Sethi M, Institutional Food Management. New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, Daryaganj, Newdelhi. 
  4. Hisrich RD, Peters MP and Shepherd DA: Entrepreneurship. Sixth Edition Tata Mc Grawhill- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
  1. Koontz O Donnel - 1976 : Management - A systems contigency Analysis and  Managerial Functions.
  2. Negi. J. Managing Hotels and Restaurants. Authorspress. 2002.
  3.  Kolshvner L.M. : Standard Principles and Techniques in Quantity Food Production, 1974.
  4. Kinton & Gesarani : The Theory of Catering. Edward Arnold 1974.
  5. Anderson Home Appliance : Servicing D.B. Tareporevda & Sons. 1976.
  6. Minor, L.J. Chicy, R. F. (1984). Food service systems management Connecticut    AVI Pub.
  7. Drucker, P.S. (1975). Principals and Practices of Management.
  8. Boella M.J. (1983). Personnel Management in the Hotel and catering industry. Hutchinson, London.
  9. Powers, T.F. and Powers, T.M. (1984). Food Service Operations Planning and control, John Wiley and Sons.
  10. Buchanan, R. D. Armstrong, R.A. Merchant, P. Cleveland, E. Crabrec, S. Varge, E. and Kozeluh L. W (1975). The Anatomy of Food service design. CAHNERS Books. CAHNERS Publ. Co. Inc.
  11.  Wood, C. Kluge, E.O. Annssem, P.E. Robinson, S. Golden, P. Clini, F. J Eaton, W.V. (1978). The Anatomy of food service design. C.B.I. Publishing Co. Inc.
  12. Freud Iuthans- Organizational Beavior (1977) Mc Graw Hill, Kogakmhu,Tokyo.
  13. Personnel /Human Resources Management (1988) D.A. Deeenzoa & Robbins Prentice Hall
  14. Personnel Management –Monappa  and saiddeen. Dessler B. 1978: Personnel Management - Modern Concept & Technique.


Academic Year: