Early Childhood Education And Children With Special Needs (Theory)

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The course will enable the student to

  • Understand past and existing status of child in Indian context
  • To know about the needs of special children
  • Provide practical solutions to common pre-school behavior problems
  • Role of different organizations towards early childhood care for normal and special children


Unit I: 
Early Childhood Education
  1. Need, Importance  and objectives
  2. Historical development of pre school education in west and India.
  3. Philosophies of pre school education-Indian and western.
  4. Play- Importance and types.
  5. Creativity – definition, meaning, importance, relationship between play  and creativity, Expression of creativity- day dreaming, story telling, imaginary companion, constructive play, dramatic play, fostering creativity.
  6. Indoor and outdoor activities.
  7. Literature for young children.


Unit II: 
Program planning
  1. Program planning – concepts of curriculum, curriculum models, basic principles, types of pre school programs. Early intervention program in child development.
  2. Institutions catering services to the needs of children- pre-school centers,  Anganwadis, crèches, day care, special schools, general introduction of services  provided. Role and qualification of ECE personnel, Entrepreneurship in ECE
  3. Principles and significance of annual, monthly, weekly and daily planning.


Unit III: 
Definition, need and approaches to special education.
  1. Definition, need and approaches to special education.

       2. Classification of special children, characteristics,  identification, causes, effects and educational implications for children with special needs -

  • Orthopedic impairments- cerebral palsy, spina bifida, limb deficiency, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, Polio myelitis
  •  Visual impairment, legal blindness, Braille
  •  Hearing impairment, sound, audiometry, degree, dactylology
  •  Mental retardation
  • Communication disorder- speech disorder ( articulation, fluency disorder, voice disorder), language disorder- aphasia
  • Giftedness
  • Emotional disturbance
  • Learning disability

    3.  Rehabilitation

             4. Inclusive education and role of special educators

Unit IV: 

1. Definitions, major elements of counseling

2. Counseling and psychotherapy

3. Levels and classification of counseling

4. Counseling techniques

5. Counseling the parents of children with various exceptional conditions 

Unit V: 
Status of young Children in India

1. Status of young Children in India - rural, tribal, urban and slum with reference to morality rate, availability of health services, SES of family, nutrition, education, housing, play materials

2. Role of national and international and voluntary agencies early childhood education,health recreation – NCERT, ICCW, NIPCCD, CHEB, WHO, CARE, UNICEF,Balbhavans

3. Programmes and services for Disabled

  1. Gedkar,E.Disabled in India,somaiya,1983.
  2. Lilly Stephen,M. Children with Exceptional Needs,Holt,Rinehart,1979
  3. Croock Shank,W.M. Psychology of Exceptional Children and youth, "NewJersey,Prentice Hall", 1958.
  1. Baker,H.J.,Introduction to exceptional children,New York,Macmillan Co.,1959.
  2. Dunn,L.M.(ed) "Exceptional children in the schools", Holt Rinehart & Winston,1963.
  3. Kirk,S.A.Education "Exceptional children" Hinghton,Miffhir,1962.
  4. Heek,A.O., "Education of Exceptional children", New York,McGraw Hill,1953.
  5. Garrison,K.C.and Force,Dewy,G.the Psychology of Exceptional children,New York,fourth edition,the Ronals Press Co.,1965.
  1. Frampton and Rowell,Education of the handicapped.
  2. Good enough,Florence,Exceptional children,New York,appleton centuryLnafhs,1956.
  1. Ellis,N.(ed) Hand book of Mental deficiency Psychological theory & Research.
  2. Long, N.J.; Morse, W.C. & Newman, R.G. (1980). Conflict in the classroom: The

education of emotionally disturbed children. Belmont: Wadsworth.

  1. Educating Exceptional Children-An introduction to Special



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