Community Organisation &Leadership (Theory)

Paper Code: 
HSC -504
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to:

  • Understand various concepts of organization and development.
  • Different leadership patterns .
  • Process of community organization.


Unit I: 
Concept and Development of Community Organization :-
  • Definition, meaning and importance
  • Concept and objectives
  • Essential elements of community development and philosphy 
  • Principles of community organizations


Unit II: 
Leadership Patterns :-
  •  Concept , types and theories of leadership
  • Traditional leadership – roles and functions – advantages and disadvantages
  •  Emerging leadership – shared leadership
  • Leadership and community organization for development 
Unit III: 
Ideology of Community Organization :-
  • School dynamics in the village community/urban slums
  • Social control in dynamics of society, relationship of social organization with social culture
  • Social justice and equality of opportunities – empowering the weaker sections 
Unit IV: 
Process of Community Organization :-
  • Methods of community organization
    • Specific control method
    • General control method
    • Process control method
  • Role of the community organizer 
  • Phases in community organization - Preparatory, Setting down and Stabilization



Unit V: 
Group Formation and organization :-
  • Rural social group
  • Primary and secondary group
  • Formal and informal group
  • Reference group
  • Cultural interest group
  • Temporary and permanent group
  • In-group and out-group
  • Voluntary and involuntary group


Essential Readings: 

1 Dahama O.P. (1998): Education and communication for Development, New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

2 Ray, G.L (1991) Extension Communication Management, Calcutta, Naya Prakash.

3 Supe S.V.(1999) An introduction to extension education


  1. O.S. Rathore. Hand Book of Extension Education, Agrotech Publishing, 1999.
  2. Jain, R. (1993) Mass Media and Rural Development. Vol II New Delhi, Manak Publication Pvt. Ltd.



Academic Year: