Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

1. Understand the various methods of studying characteristics and behavior in various handicaps.

2. Compare the various methods of measuring the physical and intellectual capabilities of individual.

3. Understand the problems of handicaps and their mainstreaming.

4. Understand the assessment methods of various disability.

5. Evaluate the role of society towards disability

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course  Code

Course  Title



Childhood Disability

and Social Action


CO127:Examine the basic definition, needs, problems , models, classification  and legislations of special children

CO128:Develop the knowledge about the definition, causes, classification and assessment of visual, hearing, autism and orthropaedic impairment.

CO129:Elaborate the ability to understand the identification of intellectual disability, emotional and behavioural disorder.

CO130:Construct knowledge about learning disability and communication disorders in detail.

CO131:Develop familiarity with the education, intervention, attitude, policy and laws, and collaborative approach towards inclusion.

CO132: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Team teaching, presentation, quiz


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning presentation Effective questions, Giving tasks, assignment

Observation, Presentation, Report writing, Interviewing


Unit I: 
Understanding Disability
  • Defining and understanding disability
  • The concept of positive, Negative, and Multiple Deviations
  • The concept of Impairment, Disability, and Handicap.
  •  Models of disability
  •  Classification
  • Needs and problems of differently abled children.
  • Rights of persons with disability and UNCRPD
  •  RCI, PWD Act, NT Act
Unit II: 
Types of Disability
  • Definition, characteristics, factors,types, Identification, assessment, and etiology with reference to Physical disabilities :
  •  Sensory disabilities- Visual and auditory
  • Autism
  • Orthopedic impairment
Unit III: 
Definition, characteristics, factors, types, Identification, assessment and etiology with reference to:

● Intellectual disability

● Emotional and Behavioral Disorder

Unit IV: 
Children with communication and learning disorder

Definition, characteristics, factors, types, Identification, assessment, and etiology with reference to:

● Communication Disability

● Learning disability

Unit V: 
Disability Education and Society

● Overview of practices and provisions related to addressing disability in India-inclusive education

● Educational practices- Special education and Inclusive education: Meaning, need and importance

● Educational provisions for disabled children

● Attitudes towards disability- family, school, society, and media

● Role and Responsibility of Parents,Peer and Community

● Role and Responsibility of teachers, administration, and policy makers

● Prevention, therapy, education, and management of various disabilities

● Policy and laws

Essential Readings: 

1. Chopra,G., (2012). Early Detection of Disabilities and persons with disabilities in the community. New Delhi: Engage publications

2. Chopra,G., (2012). Stimulating Development of Young Children with Disabilities at Anganwadi and at Home: A Practical Guide. New Delhi: Engage publications.

3. Educating Exceptional Children-An introduction to Special Education(2009),S.K.Mangal


1. Baker,H.J.,Introduction to exceptional children,NewYork,Macmillan Co.,1959.

2. Dunn,L.M.(ed) "Exceptional children in the schools", Holt Rinehart & Winston,1963.

3. Kirk,S.A.Education "Exceptional children" Hinghton,Miffhir,1962.

4. Heek,A.O., "Education of Exceptional children", New York,McGraw Hill,1953.

5. Frampton and Rowell,Education of the handicapped.

6. Ellis,N.(ed) Hand book of Mental deficiency Psychological theory & Research.

7. Long, N.J.; Morse, W.C. & Newman, R.G. (1980). Conflict in the classroom: The education of emotionally disturbed children. Belmont: Wadsworth.

8. Educating Exceptional Children-An introduction to Special Education(2009),S.K.Mangal

Academic Year: