Paper Code: 
HFN 143E/ LSC 144J
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To understand the causes, risk factors and underlying changes in the body during cancer
  • To have an insight into prevention, treatment and management of the disease and its complications



  • Biology of Cancer
    1. Cell cycle and cancer, the nature and types of cancer
    2. Cellular oncogenes and Tumor suppressor genes: DNA viruses, retroviruses, proto oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, pRb and control of the cell cycle clock, p53 and apoptosis
    3. Tumor immunology: immune mediated disease (hypersensitivity and autoimmunity)



  • Toxicity at Cellular level and Enzymology Involved
  1. Mechanism of toxicity: toxicity of O2, xenobiotics, mutagens and carcinogens
  2. Multistage carcinogenesis: chemical carcinogens-genotoxic, nongenotoxic and inorganic carcinogens
  3. Biotransformation of xenobiotics through liver detoxification (Phase I and II)
  4. Mechanism of repair (molecular and cellular), toxicity resulting from inappropriate repair


  • Principles of Cancer Treatment
  1. Natural history of cancer therapy, ethical and philosophical issues
  2. Treatment available: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, biological therapy, gene therapy


  • Principles of Cancer Screening and Chemoprevention of Cancer
  1. Screening of cancer and the biases of screening, screening of specific cancers
  2. Chemoprevention: Chemopreventive agents from natural products, preclinical animal model selection, phytopharmaceuticals in cancer chemoprevention



  • Test Systems/Assays used in Cancer
  1. Carcinogenicity assessment: short term tests for mutagenicity, chronic testing for carcinogenicity and transgenic animals in carcinogenicity assessment
  2. Assays for detecting genetic alterations: DNA damage and repair assays, genetic alteration in mammals, mammalian cytogenetic assays, germ cell mutagenesis
  3. New approaches to genetic toxicology



Essential Readings: 


  • Casarett & Doull’s (7th ed ) Toxicology: The basic Science of Poisons, Curtis D. Klassen
  • Haskell: Caner Treatment (4th Ed), W.B Saunders Company, Mc. Graw Hill.
  • Pecckham, Pinedo and Veronesi: Oxford Textbook of Oncology,Vol:1 and 2.
  • Chemoprevention of Cancer and DNA Damage by Dietary Factors: Edited by Siegfried Knasmüller, David M. DeMarini, Ian Johnson, and Clarissa Gerhäuser. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim







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