Paper Code: 
CHSC 311
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives (COs):

This course will enable the students to –

  • 1.       Impart knowledge of fundamental facts concerning textile fibers, yarns and fabrics in terms of properties and production
  •     Course Learning Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title


CHSC 311







Introduction to Textiles







The students will be able to –


CO72: Understand concept of textile fibers and various properties of textile fibers.

CO73: Interpret working of yarn manufacturing and understand various spinning methods.

CO74: Describe various fabric manufacturing techniques.

CO75: Understand textile dyeing, printing and finishing process and its importance in textile industry.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation,  presentation, Giving tasks


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation


Unit I: 
Textiles Fibers
  • Terminology
  • Fiber science (Monomers, Polymers & Types)
  • General properties of Fibers –Primary & Secondary                                                  
  • Classification of fibers
  • Natural Fibers: Cotton, Wool, Silk
  • Man-made fibers: Rayon, Polyamides, Polyester, Acrylic


Unit II: 
Yarn construction
  • Basic principles of yarn making- Mechanical spinning (cotton spinning), Chemical spinning- Wet, Dry and Melt.
  • Types of yarns – Simple, Novelty and Textured yarns.
  • Yarn Twist and Yarn Numbering system.
  • Blends: Types of blends and purpose of blending


Unit III: 
Fabric Construction Methods


  • Weaving, Knitting: Classification of knits; Construction and properties of warp and weft knits, Non woven’s, Braiding, Lacing and Netting
  • Weaving:  - Parts, Types of loom, stages in weaving, process.
  • Fabrics made from fibers- Felting and Bonding
  • Classification and construction of basic weaves.
  • Introduction to decorative weaves:   Dobby, Jacquard, Surface Figure weaves, (Swivel, Spot weaves, Lappet), Pile weaves, and Leno weaves, Double cloth and double faced   fabrics.
Unit IV: 
Dyeing and Printing
  • Classification of dyes
  • Stages of Dyeing
  • Styles of printing – direct, discharge, resist
  • Methods of printing
  • Block printing
  • Flat plate and roller printing
  • Stencil, screen (flat and rotary) printing


Unit V: 
  • Classification of Finishes
  • Basic/Routine Finishes: Beetling, Inspection, Singeing, Desizing, Scouring, Bleaching, Stiffening, Weighting, Basic Calendering, Tentering, Mercerization
  • Special finishes: Delustrants, Optical Brightening Agents, Fading Finishes, Acid and Alkali Finishes, Softening finishes, Stiffening Finishes,  Absorbent, Antistatic, Abrasion Resistant, Stain and Soil Resistant, Durable Press, Shring Resistant, Flame Resistant, Water repellent and waterproof, Moth proof and Antimicrobial



Essential Readings: 
  • Corbman, P. B., Textiles-Fiber to Fabric, Gregg Division/ McGraw Hill Book Co. USA, 1985.
  • Dhantyagi, S., Fundamentals of textiles & their care, Orient Longman limited, New Delhi.
  • Tortora, G. Phylis., Understanding Textiles (2nd Edition), McMillan Co. USA 1987.
  • Kadolph, Sara, J. and Anna L. Langford, Textiles, 11th Edition, Pearson Education (US) 2010.
  • Joseph, M.L., Essential of Textiles (5th edition), Holf, Rinecharts and Winston Publication, Florida 1988.
  • Sekhri, S., Text Book of Fabric Science fundamentals to Finishing, PHI Learning Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi, 2011.
  • Rastogi D. and Chopra S., Textile Science, Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2017.
  • Jain, H., Techniques of Dyeing & Printing, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010.




Academic Year: