Early Childhood Education And Children With Special Needs (Practical)

Paper Code: 
HSC 606
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the student to

  1. To know how to organize and administer pre-schools
  2. Know teaching strategies and activities for young children
  3. To develop teaching aids for preschool and for children with special needs.
  4. Acquire knowledge regarding child with special needs



  1.  Planning weekly and daily activities for overall development of young children and preparation of teaching aids for all the activities.
  2. Development of literature for young children, construction of toys ( 2 )
  3. Planning and preparing teaching aids and materials needed for special children ie. Blind, auditory, speech and orthopedic handicaps, mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, socially deprived, slow learner.
  4. Planning activities for children with special needs.
  5. Visits to Institutions involved in dealing with children with emotional problems and children with special needs- administration, infrastructure, activities, staff, merits and demerits.
  6. Intervention program for children with special needs.
  7. Spotting of various handicap conditions.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Alison, Clarke- Stewart, Susan and Friedman, Child Development. Infancy through Adolescence, (1987). John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
  2. Kaul V. (1991) Early Childhood Education Programme. Published at the Department of Preschool and Elementary Education, NCERT, New Delhi.
  3. William L. Heward and Micthell D. Orlansky, Exceptional Children 4th Ed. McMillan Publishing Company New York.


  1. Bharati V.V. (1997). Learning without Tears (Children and Home Work). Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi.
  2. General J.S. (1984) Early Childhood Education; Foundations and Practice National Psychological Corporation, Agra.
  3. Helen Bee. The Developing Child, 4th Ed. (1985) Harper and Ron Publishers, New York, USA.
  4. Hohmann M. (1983). A Study Guide Young Children in Action. United States America.
  5. Pankafam (1992). Early Childhood Education.
  6. Rao V.K. and Reddy R.S. (1997). Parent Education. Common Wealth Publishers in Association with Dr. Zakir Hussain Institute for Non Formal and Continuing Education, New Delhi.
  7. Read, K.H. (1960). The Nursery School – A Human Relationship Laboratory (4th Ed.) Oxford and IBM Publishing Co. New Delhi.
  8. Seefelt C., and Barbour N. (1990), Early Childhood Education – An Introduction (2nd Ed.) : Merrill Publishing Company Totanto.
  9. Singh U.K. and Sudarshan K.N. (1996). Child Education. Discovery Publishing House New Delhi.
  10. Harden M.L.; Drew, C.J. and Egan, M.W. (1999). Human Exceptionality. Boston Allyn and Bacon.
  11. Janardan Prasad Ravi Prakashan, Education of Handicap Children. Problems and Solution Kanishka Publisher, Distributor New Delhi.
  12. Micthell, L. Hardman Clifford S, Drew, M. Winston Egan and Barbara Wolf, Human Exceptionality. Society School and Family 4th Ed., Allyn and Bacon.
  13. Yesseldyke J.E. and Algozine, B.B. (1998). Special Edition. Approach for Teachers, New Delhi. Kanishka Publishers.


Academic Year: