Community Nutrition (Theory)

Paper Code: 
HSC -601
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This Course will enable the student:

  • To develop awareness among the students about the magnitude of nutritional problems.
  • To develop ability to assess the problems and devise nutrition education material for them.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Health and Nutrition.
  1. Concept and Scope of Community Health and Nutrition.
  2. Nutrition and health in national development
  3. Malnutrition – meaning, factors contributing to malnutrition (e.g. Food production, food availability, poverty, food behavior etc.)
  4. Nutritional Disorders : Epidemiology, clinical features, preventions, dietary treatment :
    • Protein Energy Malnutrition
    • Nutritional Anemia
    • Vitamin A deficiency disorder
    • Iodine deficiency disorder 
    • Micronutrient deficiency (e.g. Rickets, Vitamin D deficiency, Fluorosis Scurvy, Ariboflavinosis)


Unit II: 
Demography and Population Dynamics
  1. Demography and Population Dynamics
  2. Methods of assessing nutritional status
  • Identification of at risk group
  • Direct assessment – diet survey, anthropometry, clinical and biochemical. 
  • Indirect assessment – food balance sheet, ecological parameters, vital statistics.


Unit III: 
Nutrition and infection relationship,
  1. Nutrition and infection relationship, Immunization and its importance.
  2. Food born infections (Ambiasis, cholera, diarrhoea, hepatitis A, rotavirus, typhoid, tuberculosis, malaria, tetanus, whooping chough, etc.
  •  outbreak, signs, symptoms, mode of transmission, incubation period, infective period and their prevention.
  1.  Naturally occurring toxins in food


Unit IV: 
Food and nutrition security

1.      Food and nutrition security                                                       

2.      Food fortification

3.      Nutrition and Health Education

4.      Nutritional Surveillance   

Unit V: 
National and International agencies

National and International agencies in improving the nutritional status : WHO, UNICEF, CARE, ICMR, NIN, ICAR, CFTRI , VHAI, NIPCCI )

Community Nutrition Programmes – Objectives, strategy and other various nutrition related welfare programme .An Overview of Goiter control programme , mid day meal programme, anemia And Vitamin A prophylaxes programme. 

Academic Year: