Guest Lecture on
Post- Operative Nutritional Management of GI Diseases
Key note speaker: Dr. Sundeep Jain
28th September 2019
A guest lecture on Post- Operative nutritional management of GI Management was organized by department of Home-science on 28th September 2019. The guest lecture was attended by students of BSc. Home-science semester V, Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Semester III and MSc Students . In all 39 students benefitted from the activity. The lecture was held in Ojas Hall.
Dr. Sundeep Jain is MBBS, M.S. MCh, MRCS from Edinburg UK. He is Honorary Fellow HPB/ LT Surgery Kings college hospital London UK. Currently he is the Director, Department of GI, GI Oncology , HPB, Bariatric & Minimal access surgery C K Birla Hospitals / RBH Jaipur. He has a huge experience of more than 20 years in various hospitals in India and abroad. He also has many awards to his credit and has made publications in various national and international journals
He enlightened the students on various aspects of post -operative nutritional management of G I diseases. He patiently explained the students about various diseases like peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Gall stones, diverticulitis and pancreatitis. The question answer session that followed was also very interactive.
It was a huge learning experience for students. His guidance and experience sharing was indeed commendable.
Dr. Sundeep Jain was introduced by Ms. Shikha Sehgal (MSc. Previous) and presented with a memento by Dr. Ila Joshi ( Head of the Department) as a token of appreciation. The vote of thanks was given by Ms. Ishita Sharma. The overall activity was coordinated by Ms. Simran Singh.