Paper Code: 
HHD 323
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • This course will enable the students to :

    ·             Develop awareness regarding status of women in India and sensitivity to women’s issues and concerns.

    ·             Understand theoretical and Methodological concerns related to women’s studies.

    ·             To understand the children problems.

    ·             To give information regarding welfare agencies for women & children.

    ·             To be aware of issues and concerns related to situation of women with specific references to the Indian context

    Course Outcomes (CO’s):



    Learning Outcomes

    (at course level)

    Learning and Teaching Strategies

    Assignment Strategies

    Paper Code

    Paper Title

    HHD 323

    Women Empowerment and Child rights


    Student will be able to –

    COHD90: Understand the present t situation of women in the country.

    COHD91: Develop competencies in the area of empowerment through knowledge of various programmes and policies and legislations for women.

    COHD92:Develop an understanding of rights of children and different types of challenges faced by them.

    COHD93: Develop competencies in the area of empowerment through knowledge of various programmes and policies and legislations for children

    COHD94:Comprehend various national and international organisations working for children


    Approaches in Teaching:  Interactive Lectures, Mock Activity, Power Point Presentation, Discussion with lectures.



    Learning activities for the Students:

    Self learning assignments, Review research studies recognizing role of women.

    Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.


    Case study method, documentary movies, newspaper article review, objective questions and written test will be conducted to execute the learning outcome

Unit I: 
Status of Women in contemporary society of India


  1. Social construction of Gender, Gender Socialization, Gender discrimination, gender stereotyping, Androgyny, Gender Role
  2. Demographic indicators related to women-Sex Ratio, Literacy, Life Expectancy, Maternal Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Work Participation Rate
  3. Issues related to women in India (with special reference to Rajasthan) Female foeticide, Female Infanticide, child marriage. Dowry, Widowhood, Female commercial sex workers, Domestic violence, problems of Elderly and single women
Unit II: 
Legislations and specific Institutions for women in India


  1. Legal rights of women
  2. CEDAW, ERA-1976, MTP Act-1971, Maternity benefit Act-1961,
  3. National Policy for women empowerment-2001, Domestic Violence Act-2005,  Dowry Prohibition Act-1961, Rajasthan state Policy for girl child, 2013
  4. National and State Commission for Women. DWCD
Unit III: 
Child Rights and Challenges in India


  1. Concept of child rights. Models to understand child rights
  1. Situation of children in India, Constitutional provisions for children
  1. Children in Difficult Circumstances – Child Labor, Destitute Children, Street Children, and Delinquent Children
  2. Child Labor and Destitute Children – Definition, Causative Factors, Health Status, Child Labor Act 1986 & recent amendments
  3. Street Children - Definition, Causative Factors, Health Status, Life Style, Problems and Intervention Programmes for Street children
Unit IV: 
Laws policies and programmes for children


  1. Juvenile delinquency and child abuse  in India and Rajasthan, JJ Act, POCSO Act
  2. Child Marriage and Trafficking, Trafficking Act.
  3. National policy for children-2013,
  4. Rajasthan child Policy 2008,
  5.  Integrated child protection scheme (ICPS)
  6. National Plan of Action
Unit V: 
Organization working for children- National & International



Objectives, beneficiaries, coverage and funding of

  1. UNICEF, WHO, CRY, FAO, CARE, World Bank
Essential Readings: 
  • KapurderiyaMeghraj, 2012; Women Welfare and Empowerment, Ancient Publishing House New Delhi.
  • Bajpai, A. (2006). Child Rights in India: Law, Policy and Practice. Oxford University Press.
  • Kishwar, M. (1999). Off the Beaten Track: Rethinking Gender Justice for Indian Women. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Satyarthi, K. and Zutshi, B. (Ed) (2006). Globalization, Development and Child Rights. New Delhi: Shipra Publication. 
  • Saikia, N. (2008). Indian women: A socio-legal perspective. New Delhi: Serials Publication. 
  • Chaudhary, D. Paul: Child Welfare Development, Delhi, Atma Ram & Sons.
  • Pyles, M.S. (1947):Institutions for Child Care & Treatment, New            York: Child Welfare League of America.
  • India (1964): Council for Child-Welfare: A National Policy for Children, New Delhi,.
  • Srinivasan,K.Saxena,P.C.and Tara Kanitkar Demographic and socio-economic aspects of the child in India. Himalaya Publishing House,1979.
  • Annual Reports of MWCD, India
Academic Year: