This course will enable the students to understand the role of tools and computer applications in research,apply tools and techniques to gather data for analyzing and interpreting the development and prepare schedule/ questionnaire to study the behaviors of an individual.
1. Preparation of schedule/questionnaire to study the behaviors of children/adolescents/ adults.
2. Assessment of Intellectual development by using intelligence scales
3. Study the social relations using Sociometric method.
4. Assessment of personality of children/ adolescents/ adults by using personality inventories and projective techniques.
5. Assessment of aptitude, interest, achievement and attitude of children / adolescents/ adults.
6. Evaluation of a tool in each development- Report of study.
1. Research Methodology-Methods & Techniques-C.R. Kothari- Wishwa Prakashan. New Delhi.
2. Vikasatmak and samaj manovigyan-Rajeshawari Parsad Singh-Bharti Bhawan, Patna.
3. Baal Vikas and Parivarik sambadha-Mdhureshawar Pareek-Research Publication, Jaipur.
4. Baal Vikas and Parivarik sambadha-Asha Pareek-College Book Dipo, Jaipur.
5. Baal Vonovigyan: Baal Vikas-Dr. Priti Verma, Dr. D.N. Srivastav, Vinod Pustak Mandir.