Paper Code: 
HHD 121
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to :
1. Understand the role of tools and computer applications in research.
2. Apply tools and techniques to gather data for analyzing and interpreting the development
3. Understand the significance of studying children 
4. To analyze  with the various methods for studying children 
5. To apply the ability to select appropriate methods for studying children 

Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

 (at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Title


Techniques of Studying Human Development

Student will be able to –


COHD1: Examine the methods of child study, their advantages and disadvantages.

COHD2: Gain knowledge about projective techniques

COHD3:Execute the knowledge in drawing and interpreting sociogram and develop skills of taking anthropometric measurement

COHD4:Develop professional skills in use of appropriate psychological tests


Approaches in Teaching:  Discussions and dialogue, Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, presentations

Quiz. MCQ’s ,PPT, Group projects, Filling and analysing Psychological tools and assignments, Semester End Examination.




Unit I: 
Child Study Methods
  •  Techniques of research in Human Development –Time span approach-cross sectional, longitudinal, sequential approach across the age span.
  • Methods of studying behaviour – Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Case study, Report writingMeaning, Types, factors involved in preparation and administration, Advantages and disadvantages of techniques.
Unit II: 
Psychological and intelligence test
  • Psychological Test –Characteristics and uses, limitations and ethical considerations in testing
  • Assessment of mental ability – Verbal and non-verbal tests – Bayle Scales of InfantDevelopment, Wechsler Intelligence Scales for adults, Raven (Colour) Progressive Matrices, Modern Binet tests – Uses and limitations of tests
  • Intelligence- Definition, types and assessment (any two Tool).
Unit III: 
Sociometric& Emotional intelligence test
  • Measurement of Social and Emotional Development – Sociometric method and sociogram
  • Emotional intelligence -  Test and Uses and limitations.
  • Methods of studying Growth and Body Size– Significance of Anthropometric measurements.
Unit IV: 
PePersonality and Projective techniques
  • Personality Assessment – Rating Scales and Inventories -Cattle 16 PF
  • Projective Techniques – Children Apperception tests, Word Association test, Draw-a-man test, Rorschach ink-blot test, Thematic Apperception Test, psychodrama
Unit V: 
Assessment Methods
  • Meaning, types and assessment (any one tool) of:

·             Attitude

·             Aptitude

·             Achievement

·             Interest

·             Adjustment

  • Evaluation of available tools, Relevance of tools to the Indian conditions, precautionary measures in the use of tools.
Essential Readings: 
  • Child Behaviour and Development- B Kuppuswamy-Vikas Publishing House, Ghaziabad.

·              Contemporary Fields of Psychology and Experiments-M. Rajarnanikar-Concept Publishing, New Delhi.

·             Fundamentals of Educational Research- R.A. Sharma.

·             Research Methodology-Methods & Techniques-C.R. Kothari- WishwaPrakashan. New Delhi.

·             Training Instruments in HRD and OD-UdaiPareek-Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi.

·             Research Methods-Ram Ahuja,Rawatpublications,New Delhi.


Academic Year: