Sports Psychology and Counselling

Paper Code: 
SSN 254
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students to:

1. Understand the psychological problems during extreme physical and mental stress

2. Develop abilities to counsel individuals/groups for stress management, improve

performance and boost morale of sportspersons

Unit I: 
  1. Importance and need of Psychological Training in Sports.
  2. The Emotional Contents of Sports: Intrinsic Pressures, Social Pressures & Personal Pressure.
  3. Mind- The mechanics of Flight or Fight Response, The Physical Disruptions and the Mental Disruptions
Unit II: 

1. The Sports Emotional – Reaction profile: Factors affecting performance like Desire,

Assertiveness, Sensitivity, Tension Control ,Personal Accountability, Self discipline,

Confidence, Concentration, Consistency, Commitment and Trait Interaction.

2.  Mental Preparation for the Game and Mental Practice for the play. Rational Emotive Mental Training Programme’ for sportsman using Mind-Body co-ordination

Unit III: 

Techniques to Improve Performance –creative Visualisation, Desensitization,Auto-suggestion Therapy, Rational Thinking for specific purpose and Progressive Relaxation procedure

Unit IV: 

Techniques to Improve Performance –creative Visualisation, Desensitization,Auto-suggestion Therapy, Rational Thinking for specific purpose and Progressive Relaxation procedure

Unit V: 

Counseling in sports: Importance & Need of Psychological Counseling, Types of

Counseling like Individual, Group, Team etc. Effective Counseling Methods & Techniques, Case studies, Role Plays and Discussion.


Essential Readings: 

Yadvinder Singh , Sports Psychology ,Publisher: Sports Publications

2. Andrew Caruso, Sports Psychology Basics, Publisher: Reedswain

3. Ellis Cashmore , Key Concepts In Sports Psychology ,Publisher: routledge fondation

4. Essential Sport Psychology Murphy Shane Publisher:

5,Doing Sport Psychology, Andersen Mark Publisher:

6. Palgrave .M, Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes ,Lavallee David Publisher.

7. Sport Psychology Interventions, Murphy

8. Arnold D Leunes ,Sport Psychology (with Infotrac) , Wadsworth Publishing Company

9. Rainer Martens , Coaches Guide To Sport Psychology, Human Kinetics Publishers

10. Learning Experiences In Sport Psychology Publisher: Human Kine

11. Cashmore Ernest ,Sport Psychology: The Key Concepts, Routledge Publication.


Academic Year: