Paper Code: 
CHSC 613
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To familiarize the student with the changing socio-economic environment and

consumer behavior.

  • To strengthen the financial management practices of the students for wise consumer


  • To develop an understanding of the types of markets, changing concepts of markets,

changes in socio-economic environment, and marketing strategies from consumer’s


Unit I: 
Sociological Orientation
  • Society, Culture and Institutions
  • Family, Kinship and Relationships
  • Social Groups and multiplicity

Cultural diversity in contemporary life           

Unit II: 
Emergence of New Ideological Orientations
  • Social mobility and social change
  • Emergent Cultural Stereotypes
  • Ethnographic approaches to the study of groups.
  • Appreciating cultural plurality, Interconnection between the spheres

Sociological Studies of Children, Youth and Women the aged: Empirical Problem & Frameworks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Unit III: 
Introduction – Economic system, Consumption and production and distribution
  • Definition, scope of Economics, Central problems of an economy                                    12Hrs
  • Wants – Classification and Characteristics.
  • Utility – Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of Equi-Marginal Utility
  • Demand – Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand.
  • Engel’s Law of Consumption, consumer’s surplus
  • Supply – Law of Supply, Elasticity of Supply, equilibrium of Demand and Supply.

Factors of Production– land, labour and capital, National Income estimates

  • Types of Markets
  • Types & functions of money, value of money – quantity theory, measurement of the
  • value of money-Index number, inflation
  • Types & functions of Banks
  • Revenue, Taxation and International trade
Unit V: 
Indian Economic Environment
  • Structure of Indian Economy: Changing structure of Indian Economy.
  • Constraints on growth: issues of population, income distribution, poverty, unemployment, inequality and migration, food security.
  • Role, importance and organization of Indian Agriculture.
  • Role, importance and problems of Indian industries, India's International Business and Balance of payment problems.
  • Resent developmental programmes of the Government of India:Jana Dhana Yojna, Sarva Siksha Yojana.
  • Planning: models, objectives and achievement
  • Issues related to health, education, environmental problems and gender
Essential Readings: 
  • Abhraham, M. F. (2006). Contemporary Sociology: An introduction to concepts and

theories: New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Beattie, J. (1964). Other cultures. Cohen and West.
  • Das, V. (Ed.) (2003) The Oxford companion to sociology and social anthropology:
  • volume 1 and 2.New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Johnson, M.H. (2001). Sociology: A systematic introduction. New Delhi: Allied

Publishers Limited.

  • Rawat, H.K. (2007). Sociolgy: Basic concepts. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
  • Srinivas, M.N. (Ed.) (1996). Caste: Its twentieth century avatar. New Delhi: Viking


  • Ahuja H.L., 2010, Modern Micro Economics. Sultan Chand & sons
  • Dhingra IC and Garg VK, 2010, Introductory Economic Theory. Sultan Chand & Sons
  • Mishra & Puri, Recent edition 2014, Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Mithani D.M., 2010 New Edition, Macro-Economics. Himalaya Publishing House
  • Sundaram K.P.M., 2010, Introduction to Economics. Ratan Prakashan






Academic Year: