Paper Code: 
CHSC 611
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives (COs):

This course will enable the students to

  • Understand the meaning, purpose, approaches and procedure of research.
  • Analyze sampling designs and methods of collecting primary data and secondary data
  • Create research report by performing data processing and analysis. 

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title



CHSC 611







Research Methodology in Home Science






The students will be able to –

CLO233: Develop understanding on various kinds of research, objectives of doing research, research process, research designs and sampling.

CLO234: Describe qualitative and quantitative research techniques

CLO235: Explain measurement & scaling techniques as well as the quantitative data analysis

CLO236: Classify data for hypothesis testing procedures and report writing.



Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Reading assignments, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Research- Meaning, purpose and approaches
  • Exploration, Description, Explanation
  • Scientific method and research
  • Research Designs –Experimental and Observational
  • Quantitative and Qualitative approaches
  •  Conceptualization and Measurement
  • Variables, concepts and measurement
  •  Levels of measurement
  • Units of analysis 


Unit II: 
The Research Process
  • Defining the problem, research questions, objectives,      hypotheses
  • Review of related literature and originality in writing 
  • Planning the research 
  • Subjects context and ethics
  •  Methodology and tools
  •  Citation formats: in medical sciences, social sciences
Unit III: 
Sampling and Sampling Design
  • Types of sampling, their advantages and disadvantages: Convenient sample, Random sample, Stratified sampling, Cluster sample, Purposive sampling, Snow ball sampling.                         Selection of adequate sample size                                             
  • Census and Sample Survey                                                         Steps in sampling design                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Unit IV: 
Methods of collecting primary data and secondary data

Methods of collecting primary data

  • Questionnaire
  • Schedules
  • Interview
  • Case-study
  • Experimentation method

Method of collecting secondary data

  • Sources of secondary data
  • Precautions while using secondary data


Unit V: 
Data processing and Data analysis
  • Editing and coding the data,
  • Organization of data- Classification, meaning and objectives, types of classification
  • Formation of discrete and continuous frequency distribution
  • Tabulation – Role, parts of a table, general rules of tabulation, types of tables.
  • Report writing


Essential Readings: 
  • Kumar, R.  (2005) Research Methodology : A Step by Step Guide for Beginners. Sage Publications, New Delhi.
  • Kerlinger F. N. and Lee, H.B. (2000) Foundations of Behavioural Research 4th Ed. Harcourt College Publishers
  • Kothari, C. R. (2008) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques 2nd Ed. New Age International Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
  • Black, J.A. & Champion, D. J. ( 1976) Methods and Issues in Social Research. New York: John Wiley



Academic Year: