Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

1. Understand the meaning, purpose, approaches and procedure of research.

2. Analyze sampling designs and methods of collecting primary data and secondary data

3. Create research report by performing data processing and analysis.



Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title



24DCCND 705








Research Methodology and Applied Statistics







CO101: Appraise the various kinds of research, objectives of doing research, research process, research designs and sampling.

CO102: Explain research design, variables and hypothesis

CO103: Appraise various sampling methods and determination of sampling size

CO104: Explain the research techniques used for data collection

CO105: Elaborate processing & analysis of data and report writing.

CO106: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Reading assignments, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Research- Meaning, purpose and approaches
  • Types of Research
  • Scientific method and research- Tool, technique, method, methodology
  • Research Designs – Exploratory, descriptive and diagnostic and experimental
  • Meaning, need, features of good research design, concept related to research design
  • Variables- Types and relationship





Unit II: 
The Research Process
  • Defining the problem, research questions, objectives, hypotheses
  • Review of related literature and originality in writing 
  • Planning the research 
  •  Subjects context and ethics
  • Methodology and tools
  • Citation formats: in medical sciences, social sciences 


Unit III: 
Sampling and Sampling Design
  • Types of sampling, their advantages and disadvantages: Convenient sample, Random sample, Stratified sampling, Cluster sample, Purposive sampling, Snow ball sampling. Selection of adequate sample size Census and Sample survey Steps in sampling design                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Unit IV: 
Methods of collecting primary data and secondary data
  • Methods of collecting primary data
    • Questionnaire
    • Schedules
    • Interview
    • Case-study
    • Experimentation method
    • Method of collecting secondary data
    • Sources of secondary data
    • Precautions while using secondary data


Unit V: 
Data processing and Data analysis
  • Editing and coding the data,
  • Organization of data- Classification, meaning and objectives, types of classification
  • Formation of discrete and continuous frequency distribution
  • Tabulation – Role, parts of a table, general rules of tabulation, types of tables.
  • Report writing- significance, steps, layout of the report, types of report
  • The elements of research project


Essential Readings: 
  • Kumar, R.  (2005) Research Methodology : A Step by Step Guide for Beginners. Sage Publications, New Delhi.
  • Kothari, C. R. (2015) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques 2nd Ed. New Age International Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
  • Ahuja, R. (2014). Research Methods. Rawat Publications, Jaipur.


  • Kerlinger F. N. and Lee, H.B. (2000) Foundations of Behavioural Research 4th Ed. Harcourt College Publishers
  • Badarkar, P.L. and Wilkinson T.S. (2000): Methodology and Techniques of Social Research, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
  • Best, J.W. (2016) Research in Education, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
  • Chandra, S.S. and Sharma, R.K. (2004). Research in Education, Atlantis Publishers, New Delhi.





Academic Year: