Product Formulation

Paper Code: 
FSQ 502
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To enable students to

  • To develop ability to use sensory evaluation as an analytical tool
  • To enable students to develop new food products


Unit I: 
Sensory assessment of Food Quality

Sensory assessment of Food Quality

  • Appearance of food- visual perception, color of foods
  • Odor and smell
  • Flavor
  • Texture
  • Taste


Unit II: 
Sensory Testing of foods

Sensory Testing of foods

  • Threshold Tests
  • Difference Test
  • Ranking
  • Scoring
  • Hedonic Scale

Acceptance and preference tests

Unit III: 
Procedure of grading

Procedure of Grading                                                                   

  • Panel selection
  • Screening and training of judges
  • Requirement of sensory evaluation
  • Factors influencing sensory measurement

Consideration for testing sensory evaluation

  • Testing Area
  • Testing set up
  • Lighting
  • Testing schedule
  • Preparation of samples
  • Cooling & order of preparation

Choosing and traning of panelist        

Unit IV: 
Food Packaging


  • Functions and Objectives
  • Basic packaging material and their protective quality,
  • Effect of packaging on nutritive value of foods.      
  • Packaging methods and performance
  • Packaging methods and controls
  • Food Packaging laws
  • Packaging Evaluation- packaging life theory& testing packaging mat5erials           


Unit V: 
Shelf life Testing


  • Biochemical tests
  • Nutritional analysis
  • Organoleptic tests
  • Microbial Analysis


  1. Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Foods.  Amerine, Pangborn and Roessler Academic Press New York (1965)
  2. Developments in Food Analysis Techniques  Vol. 2. Brannan J.G. Elsvier Applied Science Publisher London (1980)
  3. Guidelines for Sensory Analysis in Food Product Developemnt and Quality  Control. Lyon, Francombe, Hasdell & Lawson.  Chapman & Hall New York (1992)
  4. Quality Assurance of  Food : Ingredients Processing & Distribution : Foods & Nutrition Press, Westpot C.T. (1988)
  5. Deman, Voisey and Rasper,. Rheology  & texture in Food Quality.  AVI Publishing Co. Wespot C.T. (1976)
  6. Food Structure – Its creation and evaluation.  Blanshard, Hutton & Walters.  Butterworths, Lonodon (1989)
  7. Jowitt, Esher, Kent, Rogues, Elssevier, Physical Properties of Food. Applied Science, London & New York (1987)
  8. Food Packaging Sacharow and Griffir Avi. Publishing Co.
  9. Packaging for climatic Protection Carins, OswinPaine
  10. Food Science, Usha Chandra


Academic Year: