Paper Code: 
FSQ 503
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand and know various aspects of food product development including food science & technology, marketing and consumer research, finance and communication.
  2. Develop products which meet consumer needs, and are nutritionally and commercially viable.
  3. Recognize the potential for entrepreneurship through marketing.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title





FSQ 503

 Product Formulation (Practical)







The students will be able to –


CO57: Describe and apply  techniques that can be used to monitor quality of raw ingredients

CO58: Conduct appropriate sensory evaluation tests for the measurement and assessment of sensory differences.

CO59: Analyze sensory data and draw appropriate conclusions


Approach in teaching:

Practical on assessment of quality parameters of new products


Visit to processing units


Learning activities for the students:

Participation in Competitions

Product development


Class test

Semester end examinations






  • Physical and chemical tests to determine quality and detect adulterants in the following:
    • milk and milk products,
    • oils and fats,
    • spices and condiments,
    • food grains,
    • flours,
    • canned foods,
    • fruits and vegetables
    • baked foods
    • beverages
  • Sensory evaluation of various foods.
  • Product Development 
Essential Readings: 
  1. Paine. Modern processing, packaging and distribution system. Blackie, Glasgow, 1987
  2. Raphael and Olson. Package production management AVI publ. Co. Inc. Connecticut, 1976.
  3. Food and packaging interaction. Hotchikess American Chemical Society
  4. ISI publications
  5. PFA Act,1954
  6. Jacob. Chemical methods in food analysis. CBS publications and distributors, New Delhi, 1999.
  7. Hayes. Food engineering data handbook. Longman scientific and technical, New York, 1987
  8. Sacharow and Griffir. Food packaging. AVI publishing Co.
  9. Briston and Neil. Packaging management. Gower press








Academic Year: