Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand the need and importance of early childhood education.
  2. Evaluate the education philosophies given for Early childhood education by different thinkers
  3. Understand the essential components of ECCE curriculum &apply the effective pedagogical approaches
  4. Apply knowledge to plan, prepare and conduct various age appropriate activities of early childhood



Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



24CHSC 411

Principles & Perspectives in Early Childhood Education



CO97: Identify the significance, goals and objectives of ECCE within an integrated and whole child approach, emphasizing needs of early childhood children

CO98: Diagnose developmental delays and compare the ECCE philosophies given by Indian and Western thinkers.

CO99: Design theme based lesson plans by incorporating the essential features, elements and principles of ECE curriculum recommended in NCF 2022.

CO100: Compare various pedagogical approaches and practices in ECCE and figure out different types of TLM used in teaching learning process in ECCE classrooms.

CO101: Develop methods for engaging children in learning process

CO102: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Reading assignments, Demonstration,


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, curriculum planning, Simulation, presentations

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation


Unit I: 
Introduction to Early childhood Education
  • Meaning and characteristics of Early childhood
  • Need &significance of ECE
  • Goals and objectives of ECCE within an integrated and whole child approach
  • Salience of early childhood years and present status in India
  • Sub Stages in ECCE –
  • Birth to 3 years: Health, nutrition and Early Stimulation for under 3‘s ; Role of care givers; need for parent education programmes. Need for crèches and day care
  • Three to six years: Early childhood Education (Preschool education) and School Readiness for 3 to 6 year olds
  • Six to eight years: Early learning and Transition to Early literacy for 6 to 8 year olds.



Unit II: 
Developmental delay &Philosophical perspectives
  • Recognizing delayed development
  • Early detection of disabilities
  • Early brain development: studies in neuroscience
  • Rousseau ,Pestalozzi, Montessori, Dewey , Froebel- Philosophy & Contribution
  • M.K. Gandhi, RavindraNath Tagore, Sri Aurbindo, GijubahaiBadheka, TarabaiModak- Philosophy & Contribution


Unit III: 
Early Childhood care &Education Curriculum
  • Essential features and component of ECCE curriculum
  • NCF Foundation stage 2022
  • Programe Models- Montessori, BereiterEngleman, Weikart / High scope / Cognitive Oriented, Reggio Emmelia, Bank street
  • School Readiness
  • Play, development and learning in ECCE
  • Programme Planning- Types and principles


Unit IV: 
Pedagogical Approaches and practices in ECCE
  • Understanding different approaches to learning with emphasis on “child as an active learner”: - Holistic approach, active participation, child centeredness, constructivism
  • Balancing between discipline- participation, exploring and mediation, self directed and guided activity
  • Cultural and local social forms as tools in the classroom such as rhymes, folk drawings, festival and puppets, Field visits, tour and excursion
  • TLMs  in ECCE
  • Classification of TLMs in ECE-traditional, technological and Edgar Dale’s classification


Unit V: 
Methods of engaging with children
  • Music and movement and the appeal of rhythm 
  • Free conversations, free hand drawing, creative activity, role play, drama as sources of learning
  • Story-telling and its functions in imagination and cultural literacy
  • Indoor and outdoor play in structured and free situations 
  • Introducing print media like books, pictures with words and use of audio-visual aids and ICT
  • Cooperation and Collaboration with parents, families, and the community



Essential Readings: 
  • Mishra R.C. , 2005; Early Childhood care & education, A.P.H. publishing Corporation , New Delhi-110 002
  • Mangal, S. K. and Shubhra' Mangal (2019), Creating an Inclusive School, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
  • Geva M. Blenkin and A. V. Kelly (2002), Early Childhood Education a developmental curriculum, Paul Chaoman Publishing Ltd.
  • G. Pankajam (2005), Pre-Primary education Philosophy and Practice, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.



●     Mohanti and Mohanti (1996), Early Childhood Care and Education, New Delhi, Deep and DeepPublication

●     S. Vekataiah (2004), Child Education, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 7. R. C. Mishra (2009), Early childhood care and Education, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation

●     Aparajitha Chowdhury and Rita Chowdhury (2002), Pre- School Children Development car and Education, New age International Publishers.

●     M.Sen Gupta, 2013; Early Childhood Care & Education. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Delhi


●     Sensitive periods: CLR, Pune, available at

●     National ECE curriculum available at

●     Kaul. V e-book on Early childhood and school readiness in India available at


●     Early Childhood Education Journal (Springer) available at

●     International Journal of Early Childhood (Springer) available at

●     Journal of Research in Childhood Education(Taylor & Francis) available at






Academic Year: