Paper Code: 
HFN 144B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To gain an insight on Public Health and Nutrition: focusing on Non Communicable Diseases
  • To learn educational principles and strategies
  • To determine cultural appropriateness in diabetes education and care


  • Public Health :Impact of Non Communicable Disease                         
  1. Definition – public  health, public health problems
  2. Public Health Nutrition Cycle (Identify key  nutrition related problems, set goals and broad aims, define objectives, create quantitative targets, develop programme, implementation, evaluation)
  3. Non Communicable Disease Issues and Public Health Policy
  4. Nutritional Strategies for at Risk Population
  5. Scope of primary prevention of NCDs



  • Assessment of Burden of NCD’s (Diabetes, Cardio Vascular Disease, Cancer)                                                                                                                                    

a)      Identification of Morbidity and Mortality Risks

b)      Intervention Strategies and Projections for future

c)      Action Plan: Global Strategy for the prevention and control of NCDs

  • Assessment of Nutritional Status using various methods
  1. Anthropometry
  2. Dietary Survey
  3. Biochemical Tests and Clinical manifestation associated with NCDs
  • Assessment of physical activity
  1. Introduction
  2. Definition
  3. Dimensions of physical activity
  4. Reliability and validity of physical activity assessment instruments
  5. Physical activity assessment methods
  6. Perspectives on future


  • Education Module : Non Communicable Diseases
  1. Educational Principles and Strategies
  2. Teaching Patients with low literacy skills
  3. Cultural Appropriateness in Education and Care
  • Psychological Issues
  1. Psychological Assessment
  2. Behavior Change
  3. Psychological Disorders


  • Development of an education module based on various therapies
  1. Nutrition
  2. Exercise
  3. Pharmacologic Therapies
  4. Monitoring
  5. Education/ Counseling for NCDs as public Health issue


Essential Readings: 
  • Bamji, M.S, Rao, P.N and Reddy, V.(Eds) (1996): Textbook of Human Nutrition, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt.Ltd.
  • Gibney, M.J, Margetts,M.B, Kearney,J.M and Arab, L.(2004): Public Health Nutrition, Blackwell
  • Gibson, R.S.(1990): Principlesof Nutritional Assessment, Oxford University Press
  • Watking J Peter. (2003). ABC of Diabetes . 5th Edition, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
  • Mantzoros. S. Christoss. (2006). Obesity and Diabetes, 5th edition, Human Press
  • Dishman R.K, Washburn R.A and Health G.R. (2004). Rod K Dishman, Richard A Washburn, Gregory W Health.
  • Holt, R.I.G and Hanley, N.A . (2007). Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes. 5th edition. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Feinglos, M.N and Bethel A.M. (2008). Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: An evidence Based Approach to Practical Management. Human Press
  • Gabriel M.K.(2006). Encyclopedia of Heart Disease. Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Ganz, M.(2005). Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. John Wiley& Sons Ltd
  • Snoek F.J. (2005).Psychology in Diabetes John Wiley & Sons.
  • Health Canada. Diabetes in Canada. 2nd edition (2002 ) Ottawa, ON: Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Population and Public Health Branch, Health Canada;.
  • Leiter LA, Barr A, Belanger A, et al (2001) Diabetes Screening in Canada (DIASCAN) Study: Prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and glucose intolerance in family physician offices. Diabetes Care.;24:1038-1043.
  • Harris MI Flegal KM, Cowie CC, et al(1998-1994) :Prevalence of diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and impaired glucose tolerance in U.S. adults. The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,. Diabetes Care. 1998;21:518-524.
  • Dunstan DW, Zimmet PZ, Welborn TA, et al. (2002) The rising prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance: the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study. Diabetes Care.;25:829-834.
  • Diane O Grady, RN, BSN, CDE (Second Edition) (2006):Teach Learn Live : The Complete Diabetes Education Guide for Health Care Professional.


  • The Diabetes Educator
  • American Diabetic association Journal
  • Journal of Diabetes and its complication
  • Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Review
  • Diabetes and Metabolism
  • Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
  • The Lancet
  • Public Health Nutrition











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