Prenatal & Infant Development (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students-

  1. To understand the developmental  stages of infancy.
  2. To understand methods of assessment and infant care.



  1. Film viewing on reflexes and discussion on child birth- report writing.
  2. Visit to baby clinics to observe maternity ward and new born babies- report writing.
  3. Assessment of new born child  through APGAR test, studying reflexes, anthropometricmeasurement - height, weight and head circumference- studying inference.
  4. Assessment of various developments- physical, motor, language.
  5. Use of Baileys Scale, Vineland social maturity scale.
  6. Preparation of infant stimulation kit and planning infant stimulation program.
  7. Pictorial presentation of developmental stages with specific milestones
  8. Spotting reflexes


Essential Readings: 
  1. E. Mavis Hetherington & Ross D. Parke, Child Psychology: A contemporary view point, 3rd edition (1986) Mc Graw Hill book Company, New York, U.S.A.


  1. Dennis Coon Introduction to Psychology: Exploration and Application, 5th edition (1986) West Publishing Company, U.S.A.
  2. Helen Bee. The developing child, 4th Ed (1985) Harper and Ron Publishers, New York, U.S.A.
  3. Mussen Henery Paul, Conger Janlway, Kagon Jerme(1990)’ Child Development & Personality, Seventh edition, by Harper Callins Publisher.
  4. Berk E . Haura(1993) Infants, Children, Adolescent. By Allyn & Bacon, Printed in USA.
  5. Hurlock, E.B. Child Growth   and  Development. McGraw Hill (1982).
  6. McCandless, B. R and Trotten, R.J  children- behaviours and development, Holt Rinehart(1987).
Academic Year: