Planning Activities for Children (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the student to-

  • Understand different aspects of entrepreneurship in ECE.
  • Understand the significance of maintaining records of children‘s growth and progress as necessary for mapping and assessing their developmental patterns.
  • Apply skills in maintaining school accounts, preparing bills, maintaining records and registers and using them meaningfully.
  • Evaluate toys, books and other equipments for pre-schoolers
  • Create different corners for children‘s learning, participation and free movement.
  • Understand and apply the skills of involving the community in the organization and functioning of the ECE centre.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24ECE 232


Planning Activities for Children (Theory)



CO22:Develop programmatic activities with respect to all domains of development for children in first six years of life.

CO23: Develop creative activities for children.

CO24: Develop script for drama, creative expression ,execute story telling session and action songs

CO25: Design and develop art and craft, collage making , printing , clay modelling and sand and water play for children

CO26: Develop IEC material and literature for children

CO27: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approaches in

Teaching: Lecture & discussion specific to current research in ECCE, Audio visual resources, experiential learning through demonstration Learning activities for the Students:

Self -directed /: Read journal articles, books to collate information on need and rationale of ECCE, assignments, field practicals.

Quiz. PPT,

Group discussion, Class test focusing on definitions, short notes, match the following, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.


Unit I: 
Planning Programming
  1. Programme Planning-Principles, needs & basic abilities developmental level of children
  2. Impact of planned activities on various age groups.
  3. Planning.- Long range & short range.
  4. Different types of programmes currently offered. Objectives of the programmes.
  1. Routine and target group covered by each of the following.
    • ECE programme : Balwadi, Anganwadi, Nursery school, Kindergarten


  • ECCE programme : ICDS and Mobile crèche.


  • Play Group


  • Care programme : family day care, crèche, day care centres, familial care in the Indian context.
  1. National Early Childhood Care and Education (Ecce) Curriculum Framework


Unit II: 
Creative activities for children

1.Concept of creativity and highlights of the role of creative expressions in overall development of children.

  1. Creativity and development; divergent thinking in children, methods to foster creativity
  2. Role of teacher in planning and fostering creative expressions.


  1. Creative expressions through a variety of media i.e. painting, printings, modeling, cutting, pasting, blocks puppetry, music movement, drama and language.
  2. Story telling- Importance, themes and techniques of story telling, use of aids in storytelling (books, sand tray, flashcards, puppets, and role-play, masks), role in a child’s development.
  3. Action songs, music & rhythm activities- voice modulation, role in a child’s development.


Unit III: 
Planning and of execution of Creative activity

     Values, materials required, use of substitutes from indigenous materials and Teacher’s role in conducting  activities:

  1. Art and Craft Activities
  2. Collage making
  3. Printing: block, string, leaf stencils, spray, crumpled paper, different textured surfaces
  4. Clay modeling, mask making, origami and paper folding, making simple toys and playthings, role in a child’s development.
  5. Sand & water play




Unit IV: 
Puppetry and Creative Drama
  1. Puppetry
    • Characteristics of puppetry as a medium.
    • Values of puppetry
    • Kinds of puppets : finger, glove, stick, and string puppets etc.
    • Basic staging techniques, use of lights, and simple sound affects in puppetry.
  2. Creative Drama
    • Meaning and values.
    • Techniques involved in creative drama e.g. rhythmic movements, pantomine, characterization, improvisation story building.
    • Theatre as a medium of creative communication and expression
    • Process of scripting for puppet plays and creative drama.


Unit V: 
IEC Material & Literature for Children
  1. Meaning ,Importance and types of IEC Material
  2. Types of IEC material- Graphics and audio visual charts, posters, flashcards, flexes, flip books, pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, booklets, modules, manuals
  3. Children’s Literature- Characteristics of young readers, types of children’s literature, role of literature in a child’s development.
  4. Values of books and reading in early years, developing reading habits.
  5. Writing Children’s literature - Principles and methods of effective writing.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988
  2. Swaminathan, Mina. (1990). Drama and the young child. New Delhi: NCERT.
  3. Sharma, I. S. (1982). Children’s literature: Preparation & evaluation. New Delhi



1.       Subash C. Arya, Infant and child care for Indian Mothers. Vikas Publishers, Delhi 1972.

2.       Devadas, R.P. and Jaya. N. Text Book of child development McMullan and Co.,


3.       Gosh, S. The feeling and care of infants and young children UNICEF, New Delhi 1976

4.       Muralidharan. R. &Asthana, S. (1991). Stimulation activities for young children. New Delhi: NCERT.

5.       Campbell, A. (1993). Great games for great parties. New Delhi: Orient Paperbacks.

6.       Contractor, M. (1984).Creative drama and puppetry in education. New Delhi: National Book Trust.

7.       Khanna, S. Joys of making Indian toys. New Delhi : National Book Trust.

8.       Supraner, R. (1981). Great Masks to make. New Jersey: Troll Associates.

9.       Watts, I. N. (1991).Great theme parties for children. New Delhi: Orient Paperbacks.

10.   Swaminathan, Mina. (1990). Drama and the young child. New Delhi: NCERT.


Sharma, I. S. (1982). Children’s literature: Preparation & evaluation. New Delhi: 

Academic Year: