Paper Code: 
CHSC 513
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Objectives (COs):

This course will enable the students to –

1.       1. Acquaint the students with basic chemical and physical concepts so that they can correlate with them in everyday life.

2.       2. Develop an understanding of working principles of different equipments and enhance their skill to handle them.

Course  Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title


CHSC 513




Physical Sciences (Theory)



The students will be able to –

CO167: Identify the chemical elements of carbohydrates and proteins and the difference between simple and complex structures of the same.

CO168: Acquire perspective on the composition and functioning of lipids in their different states.

CO169: Analyze the different packaging materials and their lasting impact on the environment.

CO170: Understand working principle of household equipments and consumer awareness.

CO171: Knowledge of basic concept of electricity, sound and light system.


Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Demonstration, Team teaching



Google Quiz

Poster Presentation

Group Activity, Continuous assessment

Semester End Examination, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 


  • Amino acids                                                                                                                           Structure and classification, peptide linkage, zwitter ion, Ninhydrin test, Sangers test
  • Protein structure – Levels of organization – primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure;
  • Denaturation of proteins.
  • Enzyme and Concept of Lock & Key and Induced Fit Theory.

Food packaging                                 

  • Packaging: concept, significance and function
  • Classification of packaging materials (flexible packages, rigid packages and retail or shipping containers)
  • Interactions between packing and food (toxicity hazards),
  • Biodegradable materials and environmental issues.


Unit II: 

Carbohydrates : Definition and Classification

  • Monosaccharides: Fisher’s structure of aldoses and ketoses, ring structure of sugars (Haworth’s projection): α-glucose, β- glucose and fructose
  • Anomers and Epimers- Definition and examples
  • Reduction of sugars
  • Reducing properties of sugars
  • Disaccharides : Formation of sucrose, lactose and maltose
  • Reducing and non reducing disaccharides
  • Polysaccharides :Definition of homo and hetropolysaccharides
  • Structure and function of starch and cellulose


Unit III: 

SECTION B- PHYSICS                                                                                                                    

Household Equipment and Consumer Awareness          

  • Motorized equipments: Vacuum cleaners, Clothes washing machine, Food processors.              
  •  Heating appliances: Electric irons, Electric water heaters.
  •  Solar Energy and its applications. 
  • Cooling appliances: Refrigeration and air conditioning, Various types of Refrigerators, air conditioners and air coolers.
  • Guarantee and warranty of all household equipments, Precautions while using equipments and servicing of equipment used. 


Unit IV: 


  • Generation and efficient transmission of electricity.
  • Safety features in household electric wiring – fuse, MCB, Earthing, 
  • Lighting fixtures in the home – Incandesent lamp, Fluorescent tube, CFL, LED, Halogen  lamp.  

Sound and Light                 

  • Knowledge of sound, echo and their uses.
  • ·Lenses- convex and concave, focal length, aperture, aberrations
  •  Elementary knowledge of Radio- AM and FM.
Unit V: 

Modern Physics and Electronics               

·  Semi Conductors – Concept of Transistor and its applications   

·  Geostationary satellites (definition and application)

·  Radioactivity – concept and application, Nuclear Energy.

·  Concept of Laser and its applications.  

 Biophysical Techniques                   

  • Basic principles of electromagnetic radiation: Energy, wavelength, wave numbers and frequency.
  • Basic Knowledge of: X-Rays
  • Harmful effect of radiations.
  • Morrison, R. T. and Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, (2001), 7th edition, Prentice Hall.
  • Graham Solomon, T.W. Organic chemistry 10th Ed. (2009) John Wiley and sons,Inc.
  •  Voet, D and Voet,J, Principles of Biochemistry,4th edition(2011) by John wiley and sons.
  • Nelson,  D.L.  and  Cox, M.M.,  Lehninger's  principles  of  Biochemistry,  6th edition,(2012) W.H. Freeman.
  • P.C. Jain, Monika Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publications (1979)
  • Berg,  J.  M.,  Tymoczko,  J.L.  and  Stryer,  L.  (2012). Biochemistry  7th Ed.,  W.  H. Freeman
  • Household Physics (2012), Claude H. Brechner, Hardpress.
  • Applied Photography Optics, 3rd Edition, Sidney E. Ray, Focal Press 2002.  
  • Modern Physics, Murugeshan, S. Chand and Co., 2002. 
  • Engineering Physics: Fundamentals and modern applications, P. Khare and A. Swarup, Jones and Barlett Publishers, 2010.
  • Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th edition (2006), D.A. Skooget. al., Saunders College Publishing.
  • Murugeshan, Modern Physics, S. Chand and Co., 2002. 
  • Bhatia, K.B., Elements of Electrical Gadgets, Arya Book Depot, 1993.
  • Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th edition (2006), D.A. Skooget. al., Saunders College Publishing. 
  • Practical Organic Chemistry by Vogel A. I., Orient Longmans Limited. 
  • Ahluwalia, V. K., Dhingra, S., Gulati, A., College Practical Chemistry, University Press (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2005)
  • B.Sc. Practical Chemistry by P. L. Soni and S. C. Jain, Sultan Chand and Sons (1978). 
  • College Practical Physics by Khanna and Gulati, S. Chand and Co., (1999)




Academic Year: