Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand the changing socio-economic environment and consumer behaviour.
  2. Strengthen the financial management practices of the students for wise consumer behaviour.
  3. Understand the types of markets, changing concepts of markets, changes in socio-economic environment, and marketing strategies from consumer’s perspective.
  4. Have an overview of the consumer problems, consumer movement and consumer protection


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



24CHSC 315

Personal Finance and Consumer Studies



CO87: Debate upon income, saving and investment management in the changing socio-economic environment.

CO88: Analyse the various investment avenues to manage the personal finances

CO89: Assess the role of consumer in the economy, consumer problems, education and empowerment.

CO90: Assess the consumer problems and comprehend the role of education in empowering consumers

CO91: Evaluate the various issues related to consumer protection, legislative measures and redressal mechanisms

CO92: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

A Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Reading assignments, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Seminar presentation

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Introduction to family financial system
  • Family wants-elements of wants, Factors affecting and characteristics, Classification of wants
  • Family Finance management
  •  Family Finance Management: Records to aid the process


Unit II: 
Family Income and Expenditure
  • Family income, credit and budgets
  • Factors influencing expenditure pattern
  • Family savings and investments- need principles, channels of investment, tax implications
  • Consumer credit- need, sources, credit cards, Housing finance
  • Personal finance management – tax implications, calculation of personal income tax, wealth tax, inheritance & gift tax


Unit III: 
Consumer in India
  • Definition of a consumer
  • Role of consumers in the economy
  • National Income, Per Capita Income, Household wise distribution of income
  • Changing nature of the business world –e-commerce, e-business
  • Role and responsibilities of the Home Maker as a Consumer



Unit IV: 
Consumer Problems and Consumer Education
  • Types of consumer problems – products and service related, deceptive, institution and
  • market related, policy related, investment and infrastructure related.
  • Causes and solutions to consumer problems
  • Consumer education- objectives and strategies
  • Empowerment of consumers through education and awareness
  •  Consumer behaviour- factors affecting, models
  • Role of family in decision making
  • Guidelines for wise buying practices



Unit V: 
Consumer Protection
  • Consumer protection and movement in India
  • Consumer rights and responsibilities
  • Consumer organizations – origin, functioning, role and types.
  • Consumer cooperatives – role, history and growth in India, PDS Kendriya Bhandars.
  • Basic legislative framework for consumer protection in India, Consumer Protection
  • Act 1986 COPRA, Alternative redressal mechanisms, Mediation centres
  • Standardization and quality control measures: ISI, FPO, AGMARK, ISO, Eco mark,
  • Wool mark, Silk mark, Cotton mark, Handloom mark, BEE star labelling and others
  • Buying aids- labels, packaging, advertising, buying guides


Essential Readings: 
  • Khanna S.R., Hanspal S., Kapoor S. &Awasthi H.K., 2007 Consumer Affairs, Universities Press IndiaPvt. Ltd.
  • Sawhney, H.K. & Mital, M.,2007, Family Finance & Consumer Studies, Elite Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.
  • Suggested Readings:
  • Kapoor S (2018). Consumer Protection. Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
  • Seetharaman, P. and Sethi, M.,2001, Consumerism: Strength and Tactics:CBS Publications New Delhi


Academic Year: