Pedagogy & Learning in EFE- Practical

Paper Code: 
24 CEFE402
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  1. Identify various pedagogical techniques.
  2. Discuss the various play activities and leaning
  3. Understand the need of ICT in teaching and learning
  4. Develop an overview of oral language and literacy
  5. Understand the principles of storytelling, art, music and rhythmic  activities for children.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code






Pedagogy & Learning in EFE-Practical



CO37: Plan age- appropriate activities for development of foundation literacy and numeracy

CO38: Create rhymes, stories,

activity sheets for development

for children.

CO39: Compile comprehensive practical records  by planning activities for different dimensions of development   and cultivate verbal communication skills to converse effectively with examiners.

CO40: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration, Interactive session with experts,

Learning activities for the students:

Hands-on activities, visit to organizations, planning and conducting workshop and awareness campaign



Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Planning workshop,



  • Plan and conduct age appropriate outdoor and indoor games and play activities for pre-primary learners.
  • Create a language-learning environment and plan and carry out activities to develop and strengthen child’s oral language and  child’s literacy (reading and writing skills).
  • Plan and carry out age-appropriate play activities to strengthen the cognitive abilities of matching, classification, seriation, and understanding cause and effect relationships
  • Plan the activity  of narrating stories in a way to engages the interest and attention of children.
  • Plan and organize some rhythm activities with children
  • Create an activity book for different domains of development of children.
  • Plan and organize art activities for a group of preschool children
  • Create a setting in the home or the preschool that enables creative expression.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Swaminathan, M., & Daniel, P. (2009). Play Activities for Child Development: A guide to preschool teachers. New Delhi: National Book Trust.
  2. NCERT. (2009). Trainer's handbook in early childhood care and education. New Delhi
  3. Friedman, S., Masterson, M.L., Wright, B.L., Bredekamp, S., & Willer, B.A. (2021).




Suggested Reading

  1. Menon, S., Sinha S., Das, H.V., & Pydah, A. (2019). Reading comprehension: Early literacy initiative resource book 5. Early Literacy Initiative, TISS, Hyderabad. CCdG/view?usp=sharing
  2. Weih, T. G. (2015). How to Select Books for Teaching to Children: Taking a Critical Look at Books through a Pedagogical Lens. Online Submission.
  3. Yates, E., & Twigg, E. (2017). Developing creativity in early childhood studies students. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 23, 42-57.


  1. Singh, S. (2020). Khel Khel Mein: Poorv prathmik kakshayon ke liye shikshak sandarshika. National Council of Educational Research and Training.
  2. National Council of Educational Research and Training. (2021). Annotated bibliography of children's literature: Classes I to V.
  3. hildsStageDec2010.pdf


Academic Year: