Paper Code: 
HHD 228
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to :

·             Learn the effective and efficient ways of maintaining and utilizing indoor and outdoor space.

·             Raise fund for ECCE centre

·             Understand the organization & management of ECCE centre.

·             State the ways to monitor and supervise the work of ECCE workers.

Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 228

Organization and management of early childhood Center


Student will be able to –

COHD71: Execute the space, appropriateness of play equipment and materials, their use and content and quality of display, human resources and other requirements to run an ECCE centre.

COHD72:Demonstrate the skill  of  preparing proposal for ECCE projects

COHD73:Advocate for quality early learning environments and collaborate with members of the early learning team, families and community partners to establish and promote such settings


Approaches in Teaching:  Interactive Lectures, Brain storming sessions, Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, field practicals.

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, Essay Writing, Mind Mapping CA test , Semester End Examination.




  1. Visits few ECE centers assessing and comparing the organization of space, appropriateness of play equipments and materials, their use and content and quality of display of ECCE center
  2. Preparing blue print of centers of early childhood education- physical infrastructure, learning material and equipments and budgeting
  3. Prepare a project proposal for starting an ECCE centre
  4. Market survey for selection of suitable materials and equipments for children
  5. Plan and organize a parent teacher meeting /parent education program
  6. Mapping of one day of a child in an ECCE center
  7. Interview of supervisor or center head of a preschool
  8. Plan and organize the different corners in day care.
Essential Readings: 
  • Singh, A. (1995). Playing to Learn: A training manual for Early Childhood Education. M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation.
  • Combs, B. (2011) Assessing and Addressing Literacy Needs. New York: Sage Global
  • Aubrey, C. (2011) Leading and Managing in the Early Years. New York: Sage Global
  • White, J. ( 2011) Outdoor Provision In the Early Years. New York : Sage Global
  • Knight, S (2011) Risk and Adventure in Early Years Outdoor Play. New York : Sage Global




Academic Year: