Paper Code: 
DHSC 514 (A)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives (COs):

This course will enable the students to –

1.       Understand of the principles that underlie biochemical estimations

2.       Apply the techniques used in qualitative and quantitative analysis 

 Course  Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title





Nutritional Biochemistry





The students will be able to –

CO189: Develop the understanding of good laboratory practices in a biochemistry laboratory.

CO190: Implement the safety and precautionary measures for working in a laboratory.

CO191: Implement the principles and techniques used in the estimation of minerals and vitamins

CO192: Implement the principles and techniques used in the estimation of phytochemicals

CO193: Examine the Haemoglobin level by using Haemoglobinometer

Approach in teaching:

Demonstration, Discussion


Learning activities for the students:

Hands on experience of food product analysis


Class test, CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation,



  • Contents:
  • Qualitative analysis of monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides
  • Qualitative analysis of amino acids and proteins
  • Estimation of moisture and ash content of foodstuffs
  • Estimation of acid value of fats and oils
  • Estimation of vitamin-C by titrimetric method
  • Estimation of calcium using EDTA by titration
  • Qualitative testing of food adulterants – metanil yellow in turmeric, arhar dal and yellow sweets; vanaspati in pure ghee; chalk powder and sand in wheat flour; lead chromate in turmeric powder; starch in milk.
  • Paper chromatography


  • Murray R.K. Granner, D.K., Mayes P.A. and Rodwell V.W. (1993) 23rd Ed. Harper’s Biochemistry, Lange Medical Book
  • Rama Rao, A.V.SS : A Text Book of Biochemistry L.K. and S. Publishers, Tanuka.
  • West, E.S. Todd W.R. Mason, H.S. and Van Bruggen J.T (1974) 4th Ed. Text Book of Biochemistry, Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
  • Lehninger A.L., Nelson D.L. and Cox. M.M. (1993) 2nd Ed. Principles of Biochemistry CBS Publishers and Distributors.
  • Devlin T.M. (1986) 2nd Ed. Text Book of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlation, John Wiley and Sons.
  • Fruton J and Symond S. General Biochemistry, Asia Publishing House, Bombay.
  • Indian Standards Institution (1985) ISI Hand Book of Food Analysis Parts I to XI, Manak Bhawan, New Delhi.
  • Talwar G.P. Text Book of Biochemistry and Human Biology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
  • Kahn Conn, EE Stamf P.K. Outlines of Biochemistry Willey Eastern Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
  • Nagar, R and Nair, S. Biochemistry. Rajasthan Hinidi Granth Academy, Jaipur 2001.
  • Oser B.L. (1965) 14th Ed. Hawk’s Physiological Chemistry McGraw Hill Book Co.
  • Sharma Sheel, Practical Biochemistry. Classic Publishing House, Jaipur-Delhi (1993).
  • Stryu L. (1995) Biochemistry Freeman WH & Co.
  • Sundararaj, P and Siddhu A (1995) Qualitative tests and Quantitative Procedures in Biochemsitry.
  • Varley H. Gowenlock, A.H. and Bell, M (1980) 5th Ed. Practical and Clinical Chemistry Vol. I William Heinemann Medical Book Ltd.
  • William S, 16th Ed. JAOAC Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • White, A. Handar, P. Smith E.L. Stelten D.W. (1959) 2nd Ed. Principles of Biochemistry McGraw Hill Book Co.
  • Dutt, Debjani R. – How best to plan  and build your home – Pustak Mahal Delhi.
  • Sharma Sheel , Experiments and techniques in biochemistry, Galgotia Publishers , Daryaganj- New delhi


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