Normal And Therapeautic Nutrition (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
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This course will enable the student to-

  • Know the factors affecting the Nutrient needs during the life cycle & the RDA for various age groups
  • Understand role of the Dietician
  • Understand the modification of Normal diet for Therapeutic purposes
  • Gain knowledge about Dietary Management of Diseases
Unit I: 
Nutrition through Life cycle
  • Infants: Growth and development, nutritional requirements, colostrum feeding, exclusive breast feeding, breast feeding, bottle feeding, comparison of human and cow’s milk, complementary foods – commercial and home prepared, infant feeding practices, IMS Act, establishment of good feeding habits
  • Preschool children:  Growth and development, nutritional requirements, promoting good food habits
  • School children: Growth and development, nutritional requirements, promoting good food habits
  • Adolescents: Growth and development, nutritional requirements, eating disorders – anorexia nervosa, bulimia, skipping meals and snacking


Unit II: 
Nutrition during adulthood and during conditions of various physiological changes
  • Adults: nutritional requirements
  • Pregnancy: Physiologic and biochemical changes, pre-maternal nutrition, prenatal nutrition and its impact on the growth and development of the fetus nutritional requirements, complications of pregnancy
  • Lactation: Physiologic effects, socio-economic effects, psychological aspects, nutritional requirements
  • Old age: Physiologic and biochemical changes, nutritional requirements, factors influencing food habits, nutrition related health problems – osteoporosis, other health problems – constipation, anemia and hypertension


Unit III: 
Definition and role of Dietitian in Health care
  • Definition and role of Dietitian in Health care
  •  Nutritional Care Process (NCP)
  •  Types of Dietary adaptation for Therapeutic needs
  • Routine Hospital diets – Fluid diet, Full fluid diet, Soft diet
  •  Mode of feeding – Oral, enteral and parentral 


Unit IV: 
Pre disposing factors and principles of diet therapy for-
  • GIT diseases – Diarrhoea, Constipation, Peptic ulcer 
  • Liver disease  - Hepatitis



Unit V: 
Pre disposing factors and principles of diet therapy for-
  • Weight Management – Overweight and underweight
  • Febrile diseases – Typhoid and Tuberculosis


Academic Year: