Life Span Development-Ii-Childhood And Adolescence

Paper Code: 
HHD 221
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to :

  • Understand the developmental milestones and transition from adolescence to adulthood
  • Understand the problems of adolescence and adulthood
  • Understand  the different domains of development in adolescence and adulthood - physical, cognitive, language and socio-emotional
  • Get familiarized with the use of different techniques of studying various domains of development in adolescence and adulthood
Unit I: 
Introduction to Childhood



  1. Characteristics and developmental milestones of childhood stage
  2. Physical and Motor Development- Brain development, perceptual development
  3. Childhood sexuality- Masculinity, femininity and androgyny; effects of sex typing.
  4. Factors effecting Growth and Health in early childhood- Heredity, Environment, Nutrition, Emotional Well Being, Diseases & Injuries
  5. Social and  Emotional development- development of positive and negative emotions, Self concept, self esteem, Emotional self regulation
  6. Morality in early childhood- psychoanalytic and cognitive developmental  perspective
  7. Cognitive development in Early childhood –Piaget’s and Vygotsky  Ideas
  8. Peer Relationship in early childhood
Unit II: 
Middle and Late Childhood


  1. Personality development- Self concept, self esteem, factors influencing personality.
  2. School achievement , role of rewards and punishment.
  3. Information processing in Middle childhood- Attention, Theory of Mind, Memory, Self Regulation
  4. Family influences in Middle childhood- Parent-child relationship, siblings, divorce, remarriage, maternal employment
  5. Children’s help lines- functions.
  6. Sex typing in Middle childhood
  7. Hazards of  childhood years
Unit III: 

a)      Physical  & behavioral changes- Sexual Maturation, growth spurt and their psychological impacts, Body Image

b)      Gender –Identity and Schema theory

c)      Cognitive Development- Information Processing, formal operational stage, consequences of abstract thought

d)      Interests, sexuality, sex education, changes in social behavior,

e)      Social and emotional development- family, peers, parents, interpersonal relations, emotional competence, conflict  with authority, fantasies, obsession, Infatuation, love, early sex, early marriage, Emotional maturity.

f)       Identity statuses, factors affecting identity formation

Unit IV: 
Adolescent Relationship
  1. Family relationships: in nuclear, extended & joint families
  2. Peer relationships:  Knowing one’s strengths& weaknesses
  3. Relationships beyond the family and peers -Dating scripts- Proactive, reactive.
  4. Attachment to parents- Dismissing avoidant attachment, preoccupied ambivalent, unresolved disorganized.
Unit V: 
Risk in adolescence
  1. Health Issues
  2. Risks in adolescence- Suicide, depression, delinquency, violence, aggression, substance  abuse, perverted sex, rape, sexual abuse, STD-  Prevention, intervention, treatment and rehabilitation
  3. Skills and techniques for self improvement and achievement.
  4. Changing trends in behavior, attitude, aspiration, achievement, sexuality, career.
  5. Hazards of adolescence.

Books Recommended:


·         Dworetzky, J. P. (1981). Introduction to child development St. Paul, Minnesota: WestPub. Co.

·         Jangira, N.K.; Ahuja, A.; Kaur, C. &Sibia, A. (1990). Functional assessment guide: A handbook for primary teachers. New Delhi: NCERT.

·         Kuroyanagi, Tetsuko (19 ). Totto-chan: The little girl at the window.

·         Baron,R.A.,Byrne,D.andKantswitz B.M. Understanding Behaviour,Holt,Rinehart,1980.

·         Rogers,W.The Psychology of Adolescence,Prentice Hall,1976.

·         Pedinnus,G.R. and Johnson. R.C. Child and Adolescent Psychology,John Wiley,1975.

·         Rice,Philip,F.TheAdolescent:Development,Relationships and culture,Allyn and Bacon,1981.

·         ChaubeS.P.AdolescentPsychology,vikas publishers,1983.

Stott,Leland,H.The Psychology of Human Development,MacMillan Co,1978 Berk,Laura E. (Third edition). Infants,Children and Adolescents.

Academic Year: