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This course will enable the students to :

  1. Understand physiological changes during pregnancy.
  2. Understand development during infancy.
  3. Understand problems and  care to be taken during infancy.


Unit I: 
Unit I
  1. Pregnancy- Physiological and psychological changes, Placenta- functions, fetal blood           

circulation;  Amniotic fluid- functions.

  1. Hormonal changes in pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Complications during pregnancy and child birth.
  3. Prenatal Development.- Stages, Prenatal Environmental Influences, teratogens.



Unit II: 
Unit II
  1. Birth process- methods of delivery, birth complications, uses of analgesia, anesthesia, oxytocics.
  2. Women’s rights related to pregnancy and child birth.
  3. Prematurity – Preterm, small for date, Impact of prematurity and birth weight on personality.
  1. Assessment of newborn- APGAR scale, Brazelton neonatal behavioral assessment scale, Neonatal ICU network neurobehavioral scale ( NNNS )


Unit III: 
Unit III


a). The neonate upto 4 weeks-Physical, physiological, cognitive, social capabilities.

b. Four weeks upto 2 Years-

  1. Physical and motor- fine and gross motor skills, social development.
  2. Emotional development - Primary and self conscious emotions.
  3. Cognitive - attention, memory, thinking and metacognition in life span .
  4. Language  development- Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas in brain, language rules- phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, metalinguistic awareness, telegraphic speech.
  5. Sensory and perceptual development.


Unit IV: 
Unit IV
  1. Physiology of brain and changes during infancy.
  2. Reflexes, stimulation and infant response.
  3. Early environment (Critical periods). Importance-need for desirable child rearing practices, effects of  environmental deprivation, maternal-child interactions, effects of maternal deprivation, early social  experience, mothering,attachment.



Unit V: 
Unit V
  1. Immunization schedule
  2. The sleep / wake cycle- REM, NREM.
  3. Massage therapy of infants, kangaroo care and bonding.

d). Temperament- classification, biological foundation, environmental factors, parenting babies with different  temperaments.

e). SIDS, stranger anxiety/ separation protest/ social referencing.



Books Recommended:

  1. Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.
  2. Subash C. Arya, Infant and child care for Indian Mothers. Vikas Publishers, Delhi 1972.
  3. Devadas, R.P. and Jaya. N. Text Book of child development McMillan and Co., 1981.
  4. Gosh, S. The feeling and care of infants and young children UNICEF, New Delhi 1976.
  5. Banerjee B.G. (1987), Child Development and Socialization, Deep and Deep Publications
  6. Berk, L.E (1995) Child Development, London: Allyn and Bacon
  7. Gupta (1991) Speaking of Child Care, Everything you wanted to know (II Ed.), New Delhi, Sterling Publishers
  8. Newman and Newman,Infancy and childhood-Development and its context.john Wiley,1978.
  9. Illingsworth,R.S. The development of the Infant and Young child.Churchill and Livingstone,1975.
    10. JOURNALS
    Child Development

             Childhood Education

             Disabilities and Impairments

Developmental Psychology

Indian Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation


Academic Year: