Paper Code: 
HHD 123
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to :
  1. Understand genetic foundation of life & prenatal development.
  2. Understand care of neonate, their capabilities and assessment
  3. Apply the knowledge of the developmental milestones and development during infancy
  4. Understand development during childhood and factors influencing the development

Course Outcomes (CO’s):



Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 123

Life span development – I Prenatal and childhood


Student will be able to –


COHD10: Demonstrate knowledge of developmental changes, stages, birth process of prenatal stage


COHD11: Examine  the care of neonate and mother in detail and understand the techniques of assessment of newborn.


COHD12: Interpret  the development ,immunization schedule and importance of infant stimulation.


COHD13: Formulate the knowledge of milestones, various developments and meaning of gender roles and typing during early childhood years.


COHD14: Define the developmental changes during late childhood and recognize the importance of parent, child and sibling relationship.


Approaches in Teaching:  Lecture & discussion specific to areas, Charts Power Point Presentation, Invited expert speakers on select areas



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, Read journal articles, books

Quiz. Classroom presentation and discussions, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.



Unit I: 
PRENATAL STAGE (Conception – Birth)
  • Physiological, psychological and  hormonal changes during pregnancy 
  • Stages of prenatal development, prenatal environmental Influences and Teratogens.
  • Complications during pregnancy and child birth.
  • Birth process-methods of childbirth(Medication, Natural & Prepared )
  • Birth process-methods of delivery, uses of analgesia, anesthesia, oxytoxics.
  • Care of mother during pregnancy
Unit II: 
NEONATE(Birth-4 weeks)
  • Care of new born and mother after delivery
  • Prematurity – Preterm, small for date and its impact on future development of the child
  • Assessment of newborn- APGAR scale, Brazelton neonatal behavioral assessment scale (NBAS), NNNS
  • Newborn reflexes 
  • Sensory and perceptual capabilities
  • The sleep / wake cycle- REM, NREM.
  • Massage therapy of infants, kangaroo care and bonding
Unit III: 
  • Milestones in development and developmental delay
  • Immunization schedule
  • Physical development-Growth of Brain, Sensory capacities
  •  Motor Development- fine and gross motor skills
  • Emotional & Social development - Primary and self conscious emotions, temperament & child rearing
  • Cognitive development during infancy (Piaget sensori-motor Stage)
  • Language development- tracing language development during first two years.
  • Psychosocial development-Emotions, Temperament, Attachment, Social relationships
  • Infant Stimulation


Unit IV: 
  • Milestones in development and developmental delay
  • Physical growth  and motor skills: Body growth, brain development and perceptual development 
  • Cognitive development in early childhood-  Piaget (Pre-operational stage)and Vygotsky theory
  • Language development-Vocabulary, speech , and private speech during 3-6 years
  • Socio-Emotional development -  Foundation of self (Erikson -Initiative versus Guilt), Self understanding& others, emotional self-regulation, empathy, Parenting & Family Relationships   
  • Gender roles & gender typing
Unit V: 
  • Milestones in development and developmental delay
  • Body growth -body size & proportion, skeletal growth, brain development
  • New motor capacities & organized games with rules
  • Operational thoughts, Information processing in late childhood & individual difference
  • Emotional development - development of self-concept & self esteem
  • Language Development
  • Parent-child relationship, sibling & impact of maternal employment
  • Moral Development-Kohlberg stages
  •  Peer relationship-Friendship
  • Bullying, aggression, adjustments to school
Essential Readings: 
Berk, L. E. (2007). Development through the lifespan. Delhi: Pearson Education.
Rice. F. P. (1998). Human Development: A lifespan approach. New Jersey: Prentice  a. Hall. 
Santrock, J. W. (2007). A topical approach to life-span development. New Delhi: Tata  a. McGraw- Hill. 
Singh, A. (Ed). 2015. Foundations of Human Development: A life span approach. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan. 
Berk, L.E (1995) Child Development, London: Allyn and Bacon
Gupta (1991) Speaking of Child Care, Everything you wanted to know (II Ed.), New Delhi, Sterling Publishers
Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.
Child Development
o Childhood Education
o Disabilities and Impairments
o Developmental Psychology
o Indian Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic Year: