Paper Code: 
SHSC 311
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives (COs):

This course will enable the students to –

1.    Understand the importance of life skill education in the life of youth.

2.    Analyze the various methods of enhancing life skills.

3.    Apply the adaptive and positive behavior to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.

4.    Remember the core skills for positive development


Course Learning Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

SHSC 311




Life Skill Education





The students will be able to –


CO110: Develop the understanding of applying life skill in daily life.

CO111: Learn the skills to plan and organize the life skill programme

CO112: Skills to implement life skill program in natural environment.

CO113: Organize the programme in natural class room environment.

CO114: Inculcate the areas and positive youth empowerment


Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration, A, Project, Nukkad play


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning presentation Effective questions, Giving tasks, peer learning

Observation, Presentation, Nukkad, Class test.

Unit I: 
Concept and Meaning of life skills


·             Definitions, concept and need of life skills education.

·             Importance in daily living; Criteria for using life skills.

·             Evolution of Life Skills

·             Core Life Skills- classification and components

Unit II: 
Components for Planning & Organizing Life Skills Programs
  •     Understanding group characteristics and needs – Understanding Life skills in context of  contextual specificities and   Self components critical thinking, gender, cultural ideologies  skills, decision making skills, interpersonal communication skills, coping with stress and emotions; self- management skills, etc.
  •      Importance of communication in imparting life skills education-Aspects to develop social potentials (effective listening, speaking, building and maintaining relationships, understanding group dynamics and functioning in groups, delegating responsibilities)
Unit III: 
Core Approaches and Strategies to Implement Life Skills Program


  •    Understanding and developing self-skills/potential: self-awareness, self-esteem self- confidence, creative thinking, interpersonal skills, etc.
  •   Use of participatory techniques and methods: Individual exercises, Group activities, games etc.
  •   Communicating with the audience: receiving feedback, handling questions, etc. 
Unit IV: 
Organizing a Life Skills Program


  •      Planning a need based viable life skills program (select components)
  •   Determining the purpose, collecting materials, organizing content.
  •     Getting prepared for the presentation: psychological level
  •      Delivering the presentation
  •      Methods for enhancing life skills
Unit V: 
Life Skills and Youth Empowerment


  •         Youth demographics in India and role in society
  •      Challenges of adolescence and youth development
  •   Formal and Non formal approaches to youth development
  •      Positive Youth Development
  •       Methods and areas of empowerment
Essential Readings: 
  • Agochiya D. 2010, life competencies for adolescents. Training manual for facilitators, teachers and parents. Sage Publications
  • Dakar Framework for Action,(2000).Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitments, Dakar, Senegal
  • Peace Corps, OPATS.2001, Life Skills Manual. 62
Academic Year: