Introduction to Food Manufacturer

Paper Code: 
FSQ 602
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To Enable students –

  • To develop new food products which are marketable and nutritionally and economically viable.
  • To develop entrepreneurial abilities for small scale food industries
Unit I: 
  • Introduction to Unit operations
  • Market And consumer research. Needs and types of foods- consumption pattern. Economic, psychological, anthropological and sociological dimensions of food consumption pattern
  • Trends in social  change and its role in diet pattern. Using social trends as framework in new product innovation
Unit II: 
  • Food situation in India and Outside. Tapping the unconventional post harvest losses and prospect for food processing for export
  • Additives, preservatives, processing, formulation, standardization and large scale preparation
Unit III: 
  • Chemical and physical properties of food shelf life studies and shelf life prediction sanitation and waste disposal
  • Packaging- packaging, sutability and functions, development and management. Design and packaging graphics, labeling. Research and testing.


Unit IV: 
  • Transportation. Types/ Mode, optimizing transportation, taking into account types of product, distance, storagefacilities etc
  • Sensory Evaluation and product testing/ quality control objectives and subjective testing
Unit V: 
  • Entrepreneurship, plant location, investment, financing of project
  • Costing of the product
  • Advertising and marketing


Academic Year: